I juli i år gav Liverpool University Press ut <link http: liverpooluniversitypress.co.uk products the cultural dimension of vol. visual>"TransVisuality: The cultural dimension of visuality, Vol. 2: Visual Organizations", vari <link person lilalee>Lila Lee-Morrisons artikel "Drone Warfare: Visual Primacy as a Weapon" ingår.
Bara dagar innan publicerades Lilas och Tom Dowlings artikel <link http: www.thenakedscientists.com html articles article an-explosion-of-drones-new-technology-in-the-geosciences explosion of drones: new technology in the>"An Explosion of Drones: New Technology in the Geosciences" i <link http: www.thenakedscientists.com naked>The Naked Scientists.
Lila Lee-Morrison har publicerat två artiklar över sommaren
Publicerad den 8 september 2015