Peter Bengtsen co-coordinates Pufendorf project about urban creativity
Publicerad den 27 mars 2018
It was recently announced that the 2018-2019 thematic projects at the Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies (LU) will include a project focused on urban creativity.
Urban creativity is an umbrella term referring to activities within, or in direct relation to, the city. Examples of urban creativity include, but are not limited to, street art, graffiti, urban foraging (dumpster diving), parkour, skateboarding and guerrilla gardening. An important characteristic of situated urban creative practices is that they push legal, moral and cultural boundaries by intervening and exploring alternative ways of using and understanding the city.
The theme project will explore a number of topics, including the publicness of urban public space, urban creativity as a vehicle for urban regeneration and gentrification, and the internet and social media as distribution channels for expressions of urban creativity.
The project will run for eight months, from October 2018 to May 2019, and bring together eight main researchers, six of which are based at four different faculties at Lund University. The project was initiated by <link http: person peterbengtsen external-link-new-window external link in new>Peter Bengtsen (Division of Art History and Visual Studies, LU) and <link https: erik-hannerz external-link-new-window external link in new>Erik Hannerz (Department of Sociology, LU), who will also act as coordinators.