Positiv recension av Peter Bengtsens avhandling 'The Street Art World'
Publicerad den 9 december 2014
Peter Bengtsens avhandling 'The Street Art World' har nyligen recenserats mycket positivt i 'Konsthistorisk Tidskrift/Journal of Art History'. Recensent är Joe Austin, associate professor vid historiska avdelningen vid University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, och författare till boken 'Taking the train. How Graffiti Art Became an Urban Crisis in New York City' (2001).
Austin inleder sin recension med observationen att 'The Street Art World' "offers us an interesting, detailed, and accessible mapping of street art’s multidimensional terrain, and simultaneously lays out an important agenda for future debates. Bengtsen’s dissertation is well written and rigorously documented; it has significant insights for urbanists of all stripes, cultural sociologists, art historians, and visual studies scholars, both researchers and students."
Recensionen konkluderas på följande sätt: "'The Street Art World' [is] the best place for new scholars from several disciplines to enter this field of research or for published scholars to position their new work. Bengtsen’s clear, accessible writing style and self-reflective tone make it ideal for use in the university classroom and for an educated popular audience as well. I can recommend this book with confidence to all who are critically interested in the contemporary possibilities for art and collective urban life."
Läs <link http: www.tandfonline.com doi full>hela recensionen.
Läs mer om <link en person peterbengtsen _blank>Peter Bengtsen.