
Systems Developer

  • Digital Cultures
  • Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences

Contact information

E-mail mathias.johanssonkultur.luse

Mobile +46 72 518 08 98

Room LUX:C344

Visiting address
Helgonavägen 3, Lund

Postal address
Box 192, 221 00 Lund

Internal post code 30

As a research engineer of Digital History I provide consultation and assistance for both researchers and students that are interested in incorporating digital tools and methods in their research. If you need help to get started or just want to discuss the methodological possibilities of your early-stage idea, just sent me an e-mail.

Lately, I have been primarily working on two projects that are of a visual nature, image processing (mainly through AI) and interactive visualisations that make complex data accessible to a broader audience. As the needs of two research projects are never quite the same I have worked with a broad set of technologies:

  • webscraping,
  • databases,
  • statistics,
  • Machine Learning and AI (training and application),
  • geografic information systems,
  • network analysis
  • Topic Modelling
  • Corpus linguistics

In the Research Portal you can search and find information about all active researchers, units, publications, projects, infrastructures, and more, to get an overview of Lund University research.

My profile in Lund University research portal

Systems Developer

  • Digital Cultures
  • Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences

Contact information

E-mail mathias.johanssonkultur.luse

Mobile +46 72 518 08 98

Room LUX:C344

Visiting address
Helgonavägen 3, Lund

Postal address
Box 192, 221 00 Lund

Internal post code 30

Page Manager: Asa.Lundgrenkultur.luse | 2017-02-13