
Doctoral Student

  • Division of History of Ideas and Sciences
  • Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences

Contact information

E-mail sarah.vorminderkultur.luse

Phone +46 46 222 09 59

Room LUX:C328

Visiting address
Helgonavägen 3, Lund

Postal address
Box 192, 221 00 Lund

Internal post code 30

Phd Student in the field of History of Ideas and Sciences since the fall of 2020.

My research interest revolves around early modern scientific cultures, mainly cartographic practices, where I align myself with other historians that percieve science to be a social activity, in accordance with Science and Technology Studies.

My own research follows the land surveyors at Lantmäteriet and their knowledge production throughout the swedish enclosure movement of the eighteenth- and nineteenth century. The intended thesis project is about the groups discussions on, as well as the execution of, the straightening of boundary limits during the cadastral procedure from Storskiftet to Laga skiftet, focusing on different methodological and technical considerations.

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My profile in Lund University research portal

Doctoral Student

  • Division of History of Ideas and Sciences
  • Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences

Contact information

E-mail sarah.vorminderkultur.luse

Phone +46 46 222 09 59

Room LUX:C328

Visiting address
Helgonavägen 3, Lund

Postal address
Box 192, 221 00 Lund

Internal post code 30

Page Manager: Asa.Lundgrenkultur.luse | 2017-02-13