Master's Programme in Visual Culture

Programme code: HAVIC
Swedish title: Masterprogram i visuell kultur
Programme credits (ECTS): 120
Language of instruction: English

Programme syllabus

Programme syllabus (in Swedish)


Today knowledge and experiences of the world are increasingly mediated through images. This master’s programme aims to deepen the student’s understanding of how and why images and visuality reflect and form life in modern and contemporary society.

A wide range of visual cultural phenomena are studied, such as artworks, news and documentary imagery, advertisements, scientific images, etc., in a variety of analog and digital media, like photography and film, video and television and urban environments. The programme teaches a multidimensional set of analytical methods and theoretical perspectives as tools to critically explore, understand and discuss these forms of visual culture in nuanced ways. Aspects covered include history, social power relations, (post- and de-)colonialism, gender, technological apparatuses, as well as different philosophical approaches to vision and images.

The programme contributes to a deeper understanding in the student and in society at large of the power of images and other visual expressions to produce and withhold knowledge, to fascinate and disturb, to persuade and repel, and to generate meaning, desire and fear in social, cultural and personal contexts.

The majority of the courses have a thematic focus, such as visual history, globalization, or the representation of nature, violence, or the human body, as well as a focus on certain theories and methods, like pictorial analysis, phenomenology, semiotics, discourse analysis, media archeology, psychoanalysis, of ethnological field studies. Every course also trains the student in a particular academic skill, like presenting at a conference, writing a journal article, writing for a general readership, designing a research plan, etc.

The programme prepares the student for PhD studies and a further career in academia as well as for a career in the cultural sector, broadly defined, with a focus on images, design and visuality.

Information about next admission

The programme starts next time: autumn 2026 (opens for applications in the middle of October 2025)
Type of studies: full time, day
Language of instruction: English
Study period: 2026-2028
Entry requirements: Bachelor´s degree in any of the following subjects (or in equivalent subjects from other or foreign universities): Art History, Visual Studies, Film studies, Design, Architecture, Musicology. English 6/English Course B.

Most of Lund University’s programmes require English Level 6. This is the equivalent of an overall IELTS score of 6.5 or a TOEFL score of 90.

Term overview

All the courses during the master's programme and syllabus, list of literature and schedule for each course is presented here.


This programme is offered every two years. Apply at

Online application service opens for autumn 2026 in the middle of October 2025, with last application date January 15th 2026.

Programme coordinator

Erika Larsson, Programme Coordinator, Master's Programme in Visual Culture

E-mail erika.larssonkultur.luse

Academic Advisor

Marie Larsson, academic advisor


Phone+46 46–222 79 55

Room LUX:C312

Visiting address Helgonavägen 3, Lund

Postal address Box 192, 221 00 Lund

Luoshu standing looking at the view at a mountain range. Photo.

Chat with Luoshu via Unibuddy

Luoshu Liang is the student ambassador for the Master's programme in Visual Culture. 

“I am happy to answer any questions you might have about the programme, courses, student life, and life in Lund and Sweden via the Unibuddy Platform, where you can chat with me”.

Artwork in green.

Master’s Programme in Visual Culture

Leaflet about the programme.

Page Manager: Asa.Lundgrenkultur.luse | 2025-03-10