Finished projects
- Across the border: liminality in medieval sacred space (Cecilia Hildeman Sjölin)
- Active, healthy and wealthy? On life as a pensioner in Simrishamn (Gabriella Nilsson)
- A Digitalized Historyculture
- Aesthetics and Business Creativity - Theme, Pufendorf IAS
- Agent of change: an ecocritical study of street art (Peter Bengtsen, Max Liljefors)
- AIR Lund - Artificially Intelligent use of Registers
- Algorithms and Literacies: Young people's understanding and society's expectations (Olof Sundin)
- Algoritmmedvetenhet i mötet mellan generationer (Olof Sundin)
- All is One: Holistic Knowledge Ideals and Controversies from Fin de siècle to the Anthropocene
- All these decorative painters (Ludwig Qvarnström)
- Ambiguous Spaces: Cultural Imaginaries of Privacy in the 21st Century
- Anatomy in the expanded field. Aesthetics, ethics and epistemology in contemporary medical imaging. (Max Liljefors)
- A New Normal is Constantly Emerging - Probing The Cultural Dimensions of AI and XR-technologies
- Anomalous Aryans? Western Scientific Racism and the Ainu as a “Lost White Race,” 1868-1941
- Another Break with Tradition? Investigating Contemporary Music's Diversification through an Institutional Ethnography of the Borealis Festival in Bergen, Norway
- Antologi med fokus på praktisk pedagogisk utveckling i pandemitider
- A Plurality of Lives - Pufendorf IAS Theme
- Approaching the Numinous (Max Liljefors, Jayne Svenungsson)
- Art and Transformation (Konst och förvandling) (Max Liljefors)
- Art Worlds Apart (Max Liljefors)
- Aspects of the Book. Books and Literature between Economics and Aesthetics 1750–2002. (Kristina Lundblad)
- Astrobiology: Past, Present, and Future (David Dunér)
- A Studio Online (Rasmus Riegels Sørensen)
- Atmosfärisk estetik i amerikansk postminimalism. En studie av Dan Flavin och On Kawara.
- A Tonally Well-Organized Society or Anarchy? Aesthetical and Social Aspects of Swedish Art Music 1945–1960 (Mats Arvidson)
- At the End of the World: A Transdisciplinary Approach to the Apocalyptic Imaginary in the Past and Present
- Att kartlägga människans inre: Hormoner och kroppen som system, 1900–1950
- Bagadilico – a joint initiative for the development of novel therapies for basal ganglia disorders (Max Liljefors, Susanne Lundin)
- Barn i beredskap: Svensk beredskapspedagogik i förändring 1945–2000 (Björn Lundberg)
- Barn och ungas vägar ut i världspolitiken
- Being moved: the patterns and disjunctures of mobility and flow (Thomas O'dell)
- Believing in ESS: Size, Vision and Pioneering (Max Liljefors)
- Berlingska Stilgjuteriet: Industrial Typefounding in Sweden, 1837–1980
- Better Humans or Reduced Suffering? Historical Perspectives on Medical Genetics and Genetic Counselling 1950-1980 (Anna Tunlid)
- Between Manuscripts and Prints - Physical expression of handwritten and printed law texts c. 1450-1650
- Between nation and the surrounding world (Henrik Brissman)
- Bibliotekarieyrkets roll och förutsättningar för utveckling av biblioteksverksamheten i Sverige (Olof Sundin)
- Bicycle Freedom (pilot project) (Charlotte Hagström)
- Bicycle Freedom: Transgressing physical, spatial and cultural borders. (Lars-Eric Jönsson)
- Big Data – small meaning – global discourses (Olof Sundin)
- Biggest Loser USA: A Fat World in Media and Local Practices - preparatory field studies (Jessica Enevold)
- Biofictions
- Biology as cultural heritage (Max Liljefors)
- Biomedicine at the borders. Ethnography as a model to investigate biomedicine’s moral and legal grey areas and to provide a basis for international actions ( (Susanne Lundin)
- Boken i det offentliga rummet / Le livre dans l'espace poublique
- Books & Politics (Kristina Lundblad)
- Books, time and space: Functions of media in man's relation to the past. (Kristina Lundblad)
- Botanical pictures for the public: On the publication of Carl Lindman’s Bilder ur Nordens flora (Gunilla Törnvall)
- Breakfast as cultural phenomenon and societal intervention. An analysis of the Breakfast Club at two schools in Malmö (Gabriella Nilsson)
- Breathing life into a standard (Karolina Lindh)
- Brott lönar sig. Kriminallitteraturförfattaren som föregångare på den svenska bokmarknaden
- Bruno K. Öijer and Intermedial Poetry (Mikael Askander)
- Burden of Proof? On creating and using art in the healthcare sector (Peter Bengtsen)
- Butiken som mötesplats - - en central konkurrensfördel i en digitaliserad värld
- Cash – Human rights and social sustainability in the transition to a cashless society (Lena Halldenius)
- Changing orders of knowledge? Encyclopaedias in transition (Olof Sundin)
- Christopher Polhem. Technological innovations and the metaphorical mind (David Dunér)
- Classics Refashioned. Swedish Translations of Ancient Literature (Johanna Akujärvi)
- Clinical experiments for Huntington's disease. Recommendations to medical researchers regarding how to inform potential participants Swedish Research Council (Susanne Lundin, Marsanna Petersen)
- Collaboration between professionals and amateurs in the adult educational associations in Skåne Region (Olof Sundin)
- Collecting glory : Early modern Swedish medals as gifts and objects for collections (Ylva Haidenthaller)
- Conceptualizing Empire: Using Digital Tools to Evaluate Historical Language Use about Colonialism
- Conflicts Over Conspiracy Theories (Elzbieta Drazkiewicz)
- Connected Homes and Distant Infrastructures - An Ethnological Study of Networked Domestic Technology and Imaginaries of Pervasive Digitalisation (Robert Willim)
- Controlling Destiny: Julian Huxley's Post-Darwinian Evolutionism and the History of Transhumanism
- Controlling the crisis: A study of civil society’s role in management of health inequalities and integration
- Corona och livet över 70 år
- Creating trust: scholars, self-representations and online environments (Olof Sundin)
- Creative Data Lab
- Cults of Saints and Cultural Canon in Russia (Martin Nygaard Hansen-Chernetskiy)
- Cultural Policies at public libraries in Scania (Johanna Rivano Eckerdal)
- cultural science and criminology (Susanne Lundin)
- Cultural science research on RNA editing for treatment of Huntington’s disease (Susanne Lundin)
- Cultures of Intensified Experiences and Special Effects (Max Liljefors)
- Cultures of lending and borrowing; an ethnological study of money, power and trust (Karin Salomonsson)
- Delaktighet i folkbibliotek: krav eller möjlighet?
- Demonisk besatthet i tidigmoderna Sverige: privatisering och medikalisering av det övernaturliga
- Den judiske modernisten: antisemitism, självidentifikation och den svenska modernismens historiografi (Ludwig Qvarnström)
- Desire for Freedom: Art after 1945. [Verführung Freiheit. Kunst in Europa seit 1945] (Max Liljefors)
- "Det blev dålig stämning" - Vardagsritualer, konflikter och motsägelser i mångnationellt svenskt kontorsliv
- "Det hade ju aldrig hänt annars" Om kvinnor, klass och droger
- Det mjuka kulturarvet
- Det stängda landskapet. Gränsdragningar och stängselskyldighet under första hälften av 1800-talet
- Diagnostiska samspel: Hur familjer, forskning och fosterdiagnostik konstruerar varandra
- DigiJustice: Rethinking Digital Inequalities and Human Rights in the Age of AI
- Digital vold i hjemmet - en undersøgelse af udbredelsen af brugen af delte digitale enheder til psykisk vold og chikane
- DigiTrust: Privacy, Identity and Legitimacy in the Digital Society
- Disrupted Temporalities (Lars-Eric Jönsson)
- Döden på Vipeholm – en undersökning om vården av ’osnygga obildbara sinnesslöa’ och möjlig medveten dödssvält
- Donation Helsingborgs Handelsförening (Pernilla Rasmussen)
- Educating the European Public for Biotechnology (2000 – 2002) (Susanne Lundin)
- Egenutgivning i Sverige 1938–2000
- EKPHRASIS (Heidrun Führer)
- Emily Nonnen i guldålderns Köpenhamn 1838-39: kvinna, elev, kritiker
- Encyclopaedias' Trustworthiness in the Digital Media Landscape (Olof Sundin)
- En dynasti blir till: medier, myter och makt kring Karl XIV Johan och familjen Bernadotte
- Environmental practices in everyday life: Lifestyle, information and change in Simrishamn
- Fair Game, The Colloquium, Game Jam and Lectures (Jessica Enevold)
- Faking what's true or trusting what's fake: synthetic media in the social media landscape (Ben Hogan)
- Falsified medicines in a multi cultural society. Importance of knowledge exchange between the public and expertise.
- Falsified medicines in a multicultural society. Importance of knowledge exchange between the public and expertise (Susanne Lundin)
- Falsified Medicines. What the public says and professionals know – knowledge exchange providing a basis for actions.
- Fashioning the Early Modern. Creativity and Innovation in Europe, 1500-1800
- Fat and the digital space: A study of mediated body shapes
- Female Pioneers of Electronic Music - Women in the Studios for Electronic Music between 1950 -1980
- Fireburn: Revolt, Representations and Remembrance 1878-2018
- FIRE (financial independence, retire early) and the history of financial self-help: CUltures of capitalism c. 1875-2025
- FOLIO - Forum för litteraturens offentligheter (Anders Ohlsson)
- Folkbiblioteken i ett förändrat politiskt landskap – ett demokratiuppdrag för en ny tid?
- Folkbiblioteken i ett förändrat politiskt landskap – ett demokratiuppdrag för en ny tid?
- Food culture and restaurants (Anna Burstedt)
- Force and fear as impediment to marriage. Attitudes, norms and legislation during the Middle Ages, the Reformation, and the Counter Reformation (Charlotte Christensen-Nugues)
- Förmoderna Livshållningar. Idéer, dygder och värden i förmodern och tidigmodern tid
- Försök med arbetsplatsbibliotek - Makt, vetande och den uppsökande biblioteksverksamheten (Olof Risberg)
- Four year Research Assistant (Forskarassistent tjänst) from The Swedish Research Council (Thomas O'dell)
- Framtidsdialoger
- Framtidsdialoger, del 2
- Frisk, aktiv och välbärgad? En etnologisk studie av livet som pensionär på Viktoria Park (Gabriella Nilsson)
- From Spirit to Resonance: The Power of Feeling in Finnish and Swedish occult women art communities of the early 1900s
- Future Bodies. Preventing organ trafficking – focusing on solutions to the organ shortage. (Susanne Lundin)
- Future Society and Democracy in Europe
- Games and Play - For Better, For worse (Jessica Enevold)
- Game Studies - Journal Grant (Jessica Enevold)
- Gaming Moms: Juggling Time, Play and Family Life (Charlotte Hagström)
- Gender and violence - historical and cultural perspectives (Gabriella Nilsson)
- Gendered Interpretations at the Victoria&Albert Museum and the Vasa Museum (Svante Norrhem)
- Girlvirus? information practices regarding HPV-vaccination in Swedish school healthcare (Johanna Rivano Eckerdal)
- Global Junctures in the Local. (Thomas O'dell)
- Global Knowledge Making: Investigating the Social Scientific Practices in Gunnar Myrdal’s Texts on American Racism, 1938-1980 (David Bowling)
- Health in Negotiation: Cultural Analytical Perspective on Health and Inequalities in The Swedish Asylum Context
- Heritage on the Move in the name of Democracy
- Histories before History:Condorcet's Temporal Dimensions Reconsidered
- Historieundervisning för framtiden. En historiepedagogisk studie av studenters lärande inom högre utbildning (Andrés Brink Pinto, David Larsson Heidenblad, Emma Severinsson)
- History and it´s social relevance in Sweden 1959-1980 (Henrik Brissman)
- History, language and football. The position of Swedish-speaking football clubs in Finland
- Home Control
- Home-made: The cultural dynamics of the inconspicuous.
- Horizon2020. Enhancing Social Cohesion through Sharing the Cultural Heritage of Forced Migrations
- HOTT Actions against organ trafficking (Susanne Lundin)
- House Dreams. From Folkhem to Property Development
- Humanities and Medicine (HuMe) (Merle Horne)
- Human Rights, Digital Inequalities, and Social Consequences of AI - ASG, Pufendorf IAS
- Illegal drugs - gathering information from the public and doctors. A preliminary evaluation of the implementation of knowledge in society. LUinnovation/VINNOVA (Projekt ID: 2014-1006) (Rui Liu, Susanne Lundin)
- Illustrations in biology textbooks 1850-1950 (Gunilla Törnvall)
- Images of the Holocaust (Max Liljefors)
- Imagining and Living the Global: Transnational Trajectories and New Junctures of Community (Thomas O'dell)
- Impact of Citizen Participation on Decision Making in a Knowledge Intensive Policy Field (Susanne Lundin)
- Implementation of Hospital Based Home Care for Children newly diagnosed with diabetes.
- Impure vision: American staged art photography of the 1970s (Moa Petersén)
- Influencer lifeworlds. New work in a changing time (Gabriella Nilsson)
- Information practices regarding HPV vaccination in Swedish school healthcare (Johanna Rivano Eckerdal)
- Infrastructure Imaginaries-A cultural Exploration of Emerging and Decaying Technological Systems (Robert Willim)
- Infrastructuring the Social: Public Libraries and their Transformative Capacity in Austerity Urbanism (Johanna Rivano Eckerdal)
- In Search of Search and its Engines - Theme, Pufendorf IAS (Olof Sundin)
- Internationalisation and interdisciplinarity: Lessons from the “International Dialogue Project” at Lund University
- Investigations of the swedish peasant society in the 1920's (Karin Gustavsson)
- (In)visible Matters
- I utkanten av Svensk stad (Karin Gustavsson)
- Java-Futurism: Chronotopes of Sound Activism in Indonesia (Sanne Krogh Groth)
- John Williams, Moral Perfectionist
- Journal Grant for Game Studies - from Vetenskapsrådet (Jessica Enevold)
- Käll- och sökkritik i skolan (Olof Sundin)
- Knäred from above and below - a cultural study about collective self-images and shared values in a swedish countryside community. (Helena Larsson)
- Knowledge development and translation in implemented CCC
- Knowledge in a Digital World: Trust, Credibility and Relevance on the Web (Erik J Olsson, Olof Sundin)
- Knowledge systems in crisis: Analytic philosophy of science and the humanities drift apart. (Victoria Höög)
- Kodex: Boken i medeltidens Sverige (Jonas Nordin)
- Konst för en stad i förändring - de offentliga gestaltningarnas betydelse för social hållbarhet
- Kontanternas död? En etnologisk studie av det kontantlösa samhället och dess sociala och kulturella konsekvenser i Sverige
- Kris och krigsberedskap för alla? - Bibliotek som arenor för samtalscirklar om beredskap (Lisa Engström)
- Kulturarvens ekonomiska förutsättningar på Kulturen och Fredriksdal (Lizette Gradén)
- Kulturarv, migration och mobilitet i ett öppet demokratiskt samhälle (Lizette Gradén, Thomas O'dell)
- Kulturens samlingar - revisited
- Kulturens samlingar – revistied
- Kungar, sex och skandaler (Mia-Marie Hammarlin)
- Kvalitetslitteratur för den törstande ungdomen. Paketering, läsfrämjande- och marknadsföringsstrategier bakom Barnbiblioteket Sagas bokserier för ungdomar.
- Lån, makt och moral. En etnologisk studie av lånandets sociala och kulturella betydelser i delningsekonomin och kreditsanhället (Karin Salomonsson)
- Lärobok i bokhistoria (Kristina Lundblad, Gunilla Törnvall)
- Legitimizing ESS: Big science as collaboration across boundaries. (Thomas Kaiserfeld)
- Legitimizing ESS: Big Science as collaboration across boundaries (Victoria Höög)
- Legitimizing ESS: Big Science as collaboration across boundaries (Thomas Kaiserfeld)
- LibPrepare
- Libraries handling risk – to manage safety and enable trust
- Life Worlds and Knowledge Circulation, 1450-1850
- Liv i kyrkan: Hur kan man skapa ett mer levande, demokratisk och välkomnande kyrkorum?
- Lokalsamhällets bibliotek - kan meröppet öppna dörrar?
- LUC3 - Lund University Child Centered Care
- Lyssningsnjutningar: Sexuell hälsa och ljudfiktion i den digitala intimitetens tid
- Making it Home: An Aesthetic Methodological Contribution to the Study of Migrant Home-Making and Politics of Integration -MaHoMe
- Making Life in the Museum: The Curators, Critters and other Creators (Lizette Gradén)
- Mammography Screening with Artificial Intelligence
- Management of overflow (Orvar Löfgren)
- Mandelgren i Danmark (Karin Gustavsson)
- Mat, hälsa och oregelbunden arbetstid
- Meals in the Experience Economy - a study of the meal order in Swedish households (Håkan Jönsson)
- Meetings with the Manosphere? Navigating Masculinity in an Algorithmically Personalised Information Infrastructure (Amanda Persson)
- Mellan ljud och text. Produktion, innehåll och upplevelser av multimodal ljudlitteratur. (Sara Tanderup Linkis)
- Memory as territory of resistance: archival practices and activism in lesbian archives
- "Mer mode färre kläder" – ett student-, forsknings- och samverkansprojekt
- Mode i folkhemmet 1930–1990. Respektabla svenskar och modets demokratisering
- Moderna kvinnor. Modernitet, femininitet och svenskhet i svensk veckopress 1920-1933 (Emma Severinsson)
- Modernity and Intermediality in Erik Asklund's Early Novels (Mikael Askander)
- Modern Swedish Ghostlote
- Modern Times 1936
- Monokulturens kulturhistoria: Det svenska skogsbruket som fallstudie (Jimmy Jönsson)
- Museums in transformation (Björn Magnusson Staaf)
- Musical Colonization: Scots and Swedes in Southern Africa, 1770–1850
- Musical Work in the Post-Digital Age. Use and Control of Music in the Swedish Late-Modern Society (Mats Arvidson)
- Myths of Nations (Max Liljefors)
- Narrating Climate Futures (Johannes Stripple)
- NextFood
- NEXTFOOD (Håkan Jönsson)
- Nils Månsson Mandelgren och kampen om kulturens framtid
- Nordic Research Perspectives on Problem Gaming - anthology and symposium (Jessica Enevold)
- Nordic spaces in the North and North America: Heritage Preservation in Real and Imagined Nordic Places (Lizette Gradén)
- Numismatisk samlingspraktik i 1700-talets Sverige
- Onaturlig födelse: Johan von Hoorn och det obstetriska dilemmat 1680–1730 (Tove Paulsson Holmberg)
- Öppna data - Faktas materialitet och fragmentarisering (Olof Sundin)
- Out/sourcing Knowledge (Olof Sundin)
- Past and Present of the Enlightenment Ideas (Victoria Höög)
- Pastoral Perceptions of Development: How pastoralist perceptions of society and the environment affect external development initiatives in Northern Kenya's Drylands and how to integrate them
- Paths, Strategies and Struggles: Museums in the Contemporary Cultural Economy of Hybrid Markets. (Thomas O'dell)
- Patientpanelen: forskningsprojekt om hematologisk cancer
- Patientpanelen: Precision Medicine CRISPR Screening (PM-CRISPR)
- Patients of the New Psychiatry. Cultural Perspectives on Psychiatry and Patienthood in Sweden 1960–2000 (Lars-Eric Jönsson)
- Pensioner camps as a phenomena, operational implications for older people’s health and quality of life and the doing of age
- Performing Crisis: Body and Authority in Contemporary Art (Max Liljefors)
- Personal Packaging. An Ethnological Study of the New Professional Categories of the Transformation Economy (Karin Salomonsson)
- Plug-and-play hallucinations in the crisis of information
- Political projects, uncertain cultural heritage (Lars-Eric Jönsson)
- Portraying Unease: the Art and Politics of Uncomfortable Attachments
- Practising Alternative Futures: Mobilising through Permaculture in times of ecological crises
- Preserving fandom through context: challenges and implications of representing the infrastructure of fandom in the future
- Program K. (Lars-Eric Jönsson)
- Psykologi och humaniora.
- Public Faces: Printed portraits and the rise of female celebrity culture in Eighteenth-century Sweden and Europe
- Public libraries as culture centers (Johanna Rivano Eckerdal)
- Public libraries as culture centers, part 2 (Johanna Rivano Eckerdal)
- Pufendorf ASG: How Evidence Based Practices Handle Conflicting Knowledge: the Case of Hormonal Contraceptives (CON-X) (Moa Petersén, Johanna Rivano Eckerdal)
- Ragnar Josephson, the Museum of Sketches and The Birth of the Work of Art (Ludwig Qvarnström)
- Rape in Sweden 1990-2013. Historical and intersectional perspectives on rape in different genres
- Rätten till sin egen död? Den offentliga debatten omdödshjälp i Sverige 1950-2020
- Reading by listening in academia: students' talking book and text-to-speech usage in higher education (Karin Lundin)
- Reading Patterns: Women, Clothes and Print Culture in Sweden 1881-1981
- Recreational walking practices: orchestrations, experiences and perceptions of "going for a walk"
- Rekonstruktion och inlevelse i bebyggelsehistorisk forskning (Lars-Eric Jönsson)
- Researching the transforming landscape of information seeking. AI technologies and learning in Swedish schools (Olof Sundin)
- Ritualernas marknad. En studie av livscykelrit och upplevelseindustri.
- Rituals of global health: a history of the World Health Assembly (Rachel Irwin)
- Route to Paris
- Rumours, gossip and scandals: A study of royal concubines and journalistic methods (Lars-Eric Jönsson)
- Runaway Methods: Ethnography and Its Transformations (Thomas O'dell)
- Scandinavian Women as Culture builders and museum makers in the United States
- Search engines and the order of knowledge: Cultural perspectives on search engines in society (Olof Sundin)
- Searching for facts and fiction: Mobile devices and search engines in the everyday life of young people (Cecilia Andersson)
- Separate Summer Homes: The Scandinavian Model of Leisure and its Changing Ideology during the Short 20th Century (Thomas Kaiserfeld)
- Single women and assisted reproduction
- Skandinavismens gränser: Elias Lagerheim som kulturdiplomat i Köpenhamn 1836-1856
- Skissen som konstvetenskaplig metod / The Sketch as Art Historical Method (Ludwig Qvarnström)
- Sleepless Land, Fossil People
- Slyngelåren: Skandinavisk tryckfräckhet och boktryckerinäring ca 1760–1800 (Jonas Nordin)
- Small woods where I met myself: Jerry N. Uelsmann's first 50 years (Moa Petersén)
- Small woods where I met myself: Jerry Uelsmann's first 50 years
- Social Life of Truth: Conflicts over Conspiracy Theories in Germany (Angelina Uhl)
- Society at crossroads between animals and humans: where do we go with Xenotransplantation
- Sorting things out. Considering cultural categories of waste. (Lynn Åkesson)
- Soundscape of K-Pop: A Study of K-Pop Fanchants in Concerts (Naoko Takayanagi)
- Space Humanities
- Spoken Word, Speaking Melody, and the Case of a Mediatized Performance (Mats Arvidson)
- Spurious and falsified medicines - a danger to public and personal health (Susanne Lundin)
- Stadens ansikten. Visuell kultur och social struktur i Stockholm 1880- 1930
- Stadshistoria och fiktion - oskuldens museum (Björn Magnusson Staaf)
- Staffless libraries (Johanna Rivano Eckerdal)
- Strategic solidarity: Scandinavian countries' COVID-19 vaccine diplomacy
- Studerandeaktiverande och interaktiv undervisning på campus såväl som online
- Styrdokumentens betydelser och gestaltningar i ett förändrat bibliotekslandskap
- Svenska herrmoderådets verksamhet 1957-1980
- Svensk bokhistoria (Jonas Nordin)
- Svensk hågkomst av Förintelsen - museer, politik och materialitet
- Svensk idéhistoria
- Sweden's engagement in global health (Rachel Irwin)
- Sweden's relationship with the World Health Organization (Rachel Irwin)
- Swedish biohacking
- Swedish Soil: Soil Science and Forest Conservation, 1902-1938 (Jimmy Jönsson)
- Swenaz-projekt, VR
- Systematic implementation of aesthetic experiences and artistic activities in the care of persons with Parkinson’s disease (Max Liljefors)
- Textilier och dräkt i biskop Peder Winstrups grav
- "Thanks for the loan!" A culture-historical study of social and cultural meanings of lending and borrowing in rural and working class environments during the 1900s in Skåne (Karin Salomonsson)
- The Act of Life Choice: Between Ian Hacking and Bernard Williams (Mats Arvidson)
- The Archaeology of Time Travel
- The Baltic Battle of Books: Formation, Transfiguration and Relocation of European Libraries in the Confessional Age (c.1500–c.1650
- The body as a gift, resource and commodity: Organ transplantation in the Baltic and East Europe region (Susanne Lundin)
- The commercial status of street art (pilot study) (Peter Bengtsen)
- The Creator on Stage. The death and reappearance of composers in 21st century contemporary music performance
- The Crisis of Art and Culture. Art music and Technocracy in Swedish post-war II (Mats Arvidson)
- The Deceptive Cadence as a Metaphor for Life: Listening with Care through a Crisis Situation
- The Experts and the Peasants: Academies, societies and commissions as institutional models for renewal in Swedish agriculture, 1739-1813 (Thomas Kaiserfeld)
- The Future of Human Rights in a Digitised Age (Lena Halldenius)
- The gastronomic revolution in Sweden since 1980 (Håkan Jönsson)
- The Human Stem Cell: Health, Hope, Bioeconomy. (Susanne Lundin)
- The internet of things - challenges and opportunities to counter violence in close relationship
- The looks of books. The emergence and establishment of publishers' bindings in Sweden, 1840–1914, with special emphasis on decorated clothbindings. A study of the design and technique of binding, and its relation to modernity and material culture. (Kristina Lundblad)
- The Making & Meaning of a Modern Saint - Albert Schweitzer & the Nobel Peace Prize
- The masquerade of books: The print-culture of the liberty of the press 1770-73 in Denmark-Norway (Henrik Horstbøll)
- "The Medium is the Message": The CD and Vinyl Disc in the Digital Culture (Mats Arvidson)
- The new normal? Global narratives of violence against healthcare in conflict
- The Nordic Disinformation Resilience Network (Elzbieta Drazkiewicz)
- The Objective Reality. An Imaginary in Late Modern Swedish Analytical Philosophy (Victoria Höög)
- The politics of expertise during Covid-19
- The relationship between socio-economic determinants of ill-health and child obesity. A qualitative, cultural analytical study. (Gabriella Nilsson)
- The Rise of the New Big Science: Opportunities and challenges for nations, universities and science (Thomas Kaiserfeld)
- The role of contemporary Big Science facilities in the dynamics and productivity of science
- The Scoundrel Years: Scandinavian impudence of the press and print industry, c. 1760-1800 (Jonas Nordin)
- The Somerville-group and the introduction of historical arguments in philosophy
- The Street Art World (Peter Bengtsen)
- The transformation of scholarly communication - ASG, Pufendorf IAS (Fredrik Åström)
- The Urban Creativity Pufendorf IAS Theme (Peter Bengtsen)
- The Value of a Female Crime Writer (Sara Kärrholm)
- To show but not tell: on themes of passivity, submission, and internalization in 1970s Nordic feminist art
- Collecting and Analysing Artist Mobility Data
- Traditioner i Sverige 2.0 (Gabriella Nilsson)
- TRANSEURO: Focup group interviews on Parkinson's disease
- Transfer Patterns in Swedish Football
- Transforming Libraries: Openness and Control in Society’s Knowledge Provision (Olof Sundin)
- Travel and Interstitial Identity: Transnational Trajectories and New Junctures of Community. (Thomas O'dell)
- Truthers and Truth Defenders in Sweden – An Ethnographic Study of Conspiracy Theories and Conflicts over Truths
- Trygghetens variationer (finansierat av Försäkringskassan/financed by the Swedish NHS) (Jonas Frykman)
- TTT: Text till tiden! Medeltida texter i kontext - då och nu (Jonas Nordin)
- Tvång och rädsla som äktenskapshinder. Senmedeltida suppliker till den apostoliska penitentiarian
- Two Nations for the Price of One: Tourism and the Experience Economy in the Øresund Region. (Thomas O'dell)
- Two Quests for Unity: John Dewey, R. G. Collingwood, and the Persistence of Idealism
- Understanding the Conditions Facing Heritage in a Hybrid Market (Thomas O'dell)
- Unga och sexuellt våld. Främjande av ett kunskapsbaserat bemötande av brottsoffer.
- Using and circulating printed portraits in eighteenth-century Sweden and Europe
- Utredning av huvudmannaskap för Rörelsernas museum (Lizette Gradén)
- Vad ska vi med alla dessa kyrkor till?
- Vägra döda, vägra värnplikt! - en studie av värnpliktsvägrarfrågan i kultur- och samhällsdebatten och inom fredsrörelsen i Sverige ca 1965-91
- Varifrån kommer dessa ting som bara finns i drömmar? (Mats Arvidson)
- Vems kulturarv räknas när budgeten är tajt? Etnologisk studie av museers prioriteringar i dagens kulturekonomi
- Vetandets typografi. Det grafiska formandet av discipliner, akademisk identitet och föreställningar om vetenskaplighet / The Typography of Knowledge: Graphic Form and the Shaping of Disciplines, Academic Identities and Concepts of 'Scientificallity'
- Visual Ecocriticism (Max Liljefors)
- Visual Ecocriticism and the Art of Josh Keyes (Max Liljefors)
- Visual Engagements; Belonging and Affective Encounters in Contemporary Photography. (Erika Larsson)
- Visualisations in the sciences (Victoria Höög)
- Visual research methods: exploring the world of graffiti writing (Peter Bengtsen)
- Walking audiences. Media configurations and urban spaces in Copenhagen and Christiania (present-day Oslo), ca. 1775-1815 (Magne Klasson)
- War remains. The corporeal witness and 20th century media history (Marie Cronqvist)
- Waterfront heritage and waterfront renewal
- "We can make new history here". Rituals of producing history in Swedish football clubs. (Katarzyna Herd)
- Welfare State Analytics. Text Mining and Modeling Swedish Politics, Media & Culture, 1945-1989
- Western Concepts and Practices of Censorship, Freedom of the Press and the Public in the Early-Modern Era (Jonas Nordin)
- What makes us human?
- When Giants Roamed the North: Swedish Scholarship in the Age of the Antiquaries (Matthew Norris)
- When is food worth a trip? A study of culinary tourism in Sweden (Håkan Jönsson)
- When the Budget is Tight Whose Heritage Counts Most? An Ethnological Study of Museums in the Cultural Economy
- Who is the expert? Generative AI as a site for negotiating expertise, evidence and trust in datafied society (Olof Sundin)
- Why do we choose the Internet instead of the doctor next door? The Internet as a site for medicines in grey zones. (Susanne Lundin)
- With history as compass (Björn Magnusson Staaf)
- Witnessing the War Against Ukraine: European Challenges of Configuring the Crisis in Literature, Theatre and Museums (WIWAR-U) (Eleonora Narvselius)
- Witnessing the War Against Ukraine: European Challenges of Configuring the Crisis in Literature, Theatre and Museums (WIWAR-U) (Eleonora Narvselius)
- Young women's evaluation of information sources before choosing a contraceptive: information literacy practices (Johanna Rivano Eckerdal)