Summer opening hours

Study Guidance Service

Our academic advisors are available this summer during the following times

Henrik Brissman will be available to June 23 and July 15-19 (on vacation June 24 to July 12 and July 22 to August 2). He will be back again August 5.
E-mail: henrik.brissmankultur.luse.

Marie Larsson will be available to July 12 (on vacation Juli 15 to August 9). She will be back again August 12.
E-mail: marie.larssonkultur.luse.

Petra Larsson will be available to July 9 (on vacation July 10 to August 6). She will be back again August 7.
E-mail: petra.larssonkultur.luse.

When the Study Guidance Service is closed, please consult:
The Lund University General Study Guidance Service
E-mail: studyguidancestu.luse

The Reception at LUX

See information about opening hours during the summer here.

Telephone number: +46-(0)46-222 64 70
E-mail: receptionlux.luse

Introductory meetings autumn 2024

A list of our introductory meetings will be available at our website:

Page Manager: Asa.Lundgrenkultur.luse | 2024-06-19