How accessible is the Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences website?
Tecnical information
This website is partially compliant with the Swedish accessibility regulations, level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1. The non-compliances are listed below.
Title attribute of some link element repeats the text that exists in the link, 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context) (Level A)
Some elements does not use CSS to control the visual presentation of text, Success criteria 1.3.1 (Level A) Notions about the SC 1.3.1.
Some images has null or empty alternative texts. All images classified as decorative must be affixed via CSS and not via HTML.
Some <iframe> elements are without title.
In some cases the hierarchical sequence of header levels is violated. The web pages should be marked with a hierarchical structure of headers and subheadings.
Videos published before 23 September 2020 don't have subtitles or visual interpretation.
Thera are PDF:s on the website that are not accessible.
Our ambition is to improve these issues during 2022.
How we tested this website
We have performed a self-assessment (internal testing) of the Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences website. We have used WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool and AccessMonitor for this test. The latest assessment was made on April 7 2022.
What to do if you can’t access parts of this website?
Reporting accessibility problems with this website
Enforcement procedure
If you would like to navigate the website using the tab key, we suggest you use the Chrome browser for this.
The statement was last updated on April 7 2022.