
CANCELLED! Symposium: unpopular

21 September 2023 12:00 to 22 September 2023 12:00 Other

The Popular Culture Research Node at Lund University invites to a lunch-to-lunch-symposium with the theme unpopular.

With the focus on likes, likable posts and extended social pressure to behave properly and not cross lines, we would like to look the other way. What is unpopular? What did we once consider unpopular? What used to be popular but fell out of grace, or the other way around? What do we understand by cultural, social or academic unpopularity? What does it say about our social contexts when certain things/phenomena move in to and/or out of the unpopularity-zone? Could it be desirable to become unpopular or state unpopular opinions? 

We invite presentations to explore the theme with a broad range of examples in Scandinavian languages or in English.

Dinner 21 September: to be announced

Send short abstracts (max 300 ord) to katarzyna.herd@kultur.lu.se, latest by 15 June.

About the event:

21 September 2023 12:00 to 22 September 2023 12:00

Lund University, LUX, room B240

In Scandinavian languages or in English.


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