
CROCUS forskareminarium: Crossing the border, listening to rurality

16 October 2024 15:15 to 17:00 Seminar

Den 16 oktober 15:15-17:00 bjuder nätverket Crocus i samarbete med Ljudmiljöcentrum på Lunds universitet in till ett spännande forskarseminarium med gästtalaren Leandro Pisano. Seminariet är på engelska.

This talk will focus on the 20-year experience of Interferenze / Liminaria, a research project carried out in various rural areas of southern Italy, from Irpinia to Sannio, from Cilento to Fortore, from Molise to the outskirts of Palermo. Pisano will discuss a series of context-specific works created by international artists during a series of residencies in Campania, creating an 'invisible' sound map of voices, places, people and landscapes.
A special focus will be given to the Manifesto of Rural Futurism, a document Pisano wrote together with Beatrice Ferrara in 2019, based on a series of proposals aimed at rethinking rural areas and re-imagining their possible futures, understanding them as complex spaces actively immersed in the dynamics of encounters, flows and fluctuations of contemporary geographies, and critically questioning the modernist discourses of capitalism and metropolitanism in which they are marginalised and considered destined to oblivion. The sound of environments, spaces and landscapes reveals the challenges and territorial transformations that shape the ideologies, infrastructures and biological ecosystems of which we are a part. In this sense, listening practices are used as a way of critically traversing the 'borderlands' of rural territories, challenging persistent notions of 'inescapable marginality', 'residuality' and 'peripherality'.
Leandro Pisano is a curator and independent researcher interested in the intersections between art, sound and technocultures. His specific area of research concerns the political ecology of rural, marginal and remote territories. He is the founder and director of the new arts festival Interferenze (2003) and is frequently involved in electronic and sound art projects in rural areas, including Liminaria (2014-). He has curated exhibitions in Australia, Chile, Italy and Japan. He is the author of 'New Geographies of Sound. Spaces and territories in the post-digital age', published in Milan by Meltemi (2017). He holds a PhD in Cultural and Postcolonial Studies from the University of Naples 'L'Orientale' and is currently honorary research fellow in Anglo-American Culture at the University of Urbino 'Carlo Bo'.

The Sound Environment Centre at Lund University is a research centre tasked with studying sound as a phenomenon as well as sound worlds and sound environments from multi- and interdisciplinary perspectives. The Sound Environment Centre has the overall task to act as a university-wide body for research and external engagement in matters concerning sound and sound environments. https://www.lmc.lu.se/en/

WHEN: October 16, 2024, 15:15-17:00, no registration needed.

WHERE: LUX, Helgonavägen 3, 223 62, Lund, Room: LUX:B339

CROCUS is a growing multidisciplinary network that takes an interest in the cultural and creative industries. The network has Lund University as its base and functions as a platform for education and research within the fields of culture and creativity. For more information see www.ses.lu.se/crocus

If you want to sign up to the CROCUS newsletter, please contact project coordinator Marie Ledendal at marie.ledendal@isk.lu.se

Welcome and we hope to see you there!

About the event:

16 October 2024 15:15 to 17:00

LUX, Helgonavägen 3, 223 62, Lund, Room: LUX:B339

In English


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