Game Design Research as Feminist Practice

What issues should feminist game design research focus on? What knowledge and tools do the games industry need? Dr. Rilla Khaled, Dr. Sabine Harrer and Dr. Hanna Wirman, three prominent games researchers, will discuss feminist informed research strategies for game design, and how feminist methods and epistemologies can be used to conduct research. Khaled, Harrer and Wirman will each give a short inspirational talk, followed by a joint discussion.
Everyone is welcome to this public lecture, no registration is needed.
This lecture is arranged by The Fair Game Project (Enevold Duncan & Jørgensen), The research node for Digital Cultures, HEX and the Centre for Oresund Region Studies.
About the event:
Location: SOL:H104, Helgonabacken 12, Lund.
In English
Contact: mia.krokstadecors.luse