Research Seminar for Mediated Culture and Information: "They don’t really know what we’re talking about"
Exploring the collaborative information practices of Danish pupils during project work
Jan Ole Størup, visiting PhD Fellow from Aarhus University, presents his PhD project investigating the conditions shaping pupils’ collaborative information practices during project work across two Danish lower secondary school classrooms. The project draws upon on an ethnographic multi-method approach within a cultural-historical activity theoretical framework. I will present ongoing analyses and preliminary findings based on classroom dialogue and interview data for a paper on how teachers influence the conditions of pupils’ learning and information literacy practices – often happening in unpredictable and unintended ways. Jan Ole Størup is a PhD Fellow at the Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, Aarhus BBS, Aarhus University. Researcher profile: https://pure.au.dk/portal/en/persons/jos@psy.au.dk
About the event:
Location: LUX:C436, Helgonavägen 3, Lund
Contact: olof.sundinkultur.luse