Research Seminar for Mediated Culture and Information: A Critical Examination by Ann-Sofie Klareld & Emma Pihl-Skoog
Reassessing the Role of Digitization: A Critical Examination of the Concepts, Narratives, and Outcomes of Funded Digitization Projects in the Humanities and Social Sciences (2000–2020)
This study examines the evolving landscape of digitization efforts in the humanities and social sciences, critically assessing both their underlying motivations and their long-term sustainability. While digitization and digitalization have often been heralded for their capacity to enhance access and foster innovation, recent scholarship highlights the need to address unintended consequences and ideological underpinnings. Building on longstanding debates, this research analyzes projects funded between 2000 and 2020, investigating how and why digitization initiatives were prioritized and how effectively they preserved, contextualized, and aligned with original materials. In doing so, it seeks to clarify the narratives that shaped these endeavors, shed light on their outcomes, and provide guidance for ensuring that digitization contributes meaningfully to future scholarship and cultural heritage stewardship. Emma Pihl-Skoog is a Senior Lecturer in Archival Science at Södertörn University.
Om händelsen:
LUX:C436, Helgonavägen 3, Lund