Articles (page 12 of 40)
- Löfgren, O. (2020). Humanistisk forskningsvardag : Om analoga och digitala handlag. Saga och sed: Kungl. Gustav Adolfs akademiens årsbok, 141-156. Kungliga Gustav Adolfs Akademien för svensk folkkultur.
- Narvselius, E. (2020). Den galiziska mångfaldens tragedi : professorsmorden i krigstidens Lviv och åminnelsen av dem. Nordisk Østforum, 34, 103-124. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
- Nilsson, G. & Gunnarsson, D. (2020). Men can/can men change?. Culture Unbound. Journal of Current Cultural Research, 12, 436-443. Linköping University Electronic Press.
- Nordin, J. & Laursen, J. C. (2020). Northern Declarations of Freedom of the Press : The Relative Importance of Philosophical Ideas and of Local Politics. Journal of the History of Ideas, 81, 217-237. University of Pennsylvania Press.
- Norris, M. (2020). In Search of the Three Crowns : Conserving, Restoring, and Reproducing Cultural Memory in Early Modern Sweden. Nordic Journal of Renaissance Studies, 17, 125-152.
- Pedersen, A. H. (2020). Digital Music Use as Ecological Thinking : Metadata and Historicised Listening. The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics, 29, 97-118. The Nordic Society of Aesthetics.
- Severinsson, E. (2020). Genushistoria i Norden. Historisk Tidskrift, 140, 125-137. Svenska historiska föreningen.
- Severinsson, E. (2020). Lättledda modelejon och stilfulla män Svenska herrmoderådets arbete med att styra och vägleda mäns konsumtion. Arr : idéhistorisk tidsskrift, 32, 53-64.
- Tanderup, S. (2020). "It's off-book!" : Developing Serial Complexity across Media in A Series of Unfortunate Events. Children's Literature Association quarterly, 45, 59-79. Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Tanderup, S. (2020). Redaktionelt forord : Lydbøger. Passage, 35. Aarhus Universitetsforlag.
- Tanderup, S. (2020). Resonant Listening : Local Voices and Places in Born-Audio Literary Narratives. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée, 47, 407-423. Academic Printing and Publishing.
- Tanderup, S. & Pennlert, J. (2020). Episodic Listening : Analyzing the Usage and Content of Born-Audio Narratives. Journal of Electronic Publishing, 23. University of Michigan Press.
- Tunlid, A., Kristoffersson, U. & Åström, F. (2020). A century of Hereditas : from local publication to international journal. Hereditas, 157. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Willim, R. (2020). Det smarta hemmets mundanisering. Kulturella perspektiv, 29, 75-79. Föreningen Kulturella perspektiv.
- (2019). Recension av Lena Liepe: A Case for the Middle Ages. The public display of medieval church art in Sweden 1847-1943. Kyrkohistorisk årsskrift, 119, 243-245. Svenska kyrkohistoriska föreningen.
- Bengtsen, P. (2019). Exploring tags through videography. Lo Squaderno, 54, 37-39. Professionaldreamers.
- Brosius, C., Schulze, H. & Groth, S. K. (2019). Out of Space. Seismograf, 21.
- Cerwén, G. & Mossberg, F. (2019). Implementation of Quiet Areas in Sweden. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16. MDPI AG.
- Dodds, P. (2019). Hearing histories of Hammer Hill : Pop music as auditory geography. Emotion, Space and Society, 30, 34-40. Elsevier.
- Dunér, D. (2019). Från redaktionen. Lychnos: årsbok för idé- och lärdomshistoria, 2019, 7-8. Lärdomshistoriska samfundet, Uppsala universitet.
- Engström, L. & Rivano Eckerdal, J. (2019). Public libraries as promoters of social sustainability?. Information Research, 24. Thomas Daniel Wilson.
- Francke, H. (2019). The academic web profile as a genre of ‘self-making’. Online Information Review, 43, 760-774. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
- Funestrand, H., Liu, R., Lundin, S. & Troein, M. (2019). Substandard and falsified medical products are a global public health threat. A pilot survey of awareness among physicians in Sweden. Journal of Public Health, 41, 95-102. Oxford University Press.
- Gradén, L. (2019). Barbro Klein (1938–2018). Journal of American Folklore, 132, 77-78. American Folklore Society.
- Gradén, L., Idvall, M. & Magnusson Staaf, B. (2019). Inledning. Gränsløs. Tidskrift för studier av Öresundsregionens historia, kultur och samhällsliv., 5-10. Centrum för Öresundsstudier, Lunds universitet.