Articles (page 2 of 40)
- Haidenthaller, Y. (2024). The Minerva of the North and her medals : Iconographic strategies of Queen Christina’s reign in Sweden. The Medal, 4-13.
- Haider, J., Söderström, K. R., Ekström, B. & Rödl, M. (2024). GPT-fabricated scientific papers on Google Scholar : Key features, spread, and implications for preempting evidence manipulation. Misinformation Review.
- Hanell, F., Carlsson, H., Engström, L. & Hansson, J. (2024). Canaries of Democracy : The Role of Public Libraries in Times of Political Turmoil. Public Library Quarterly, 1-25. Taylor & Francis.
- Harnett, T., Arvidsson, L. & Alftberg, ?. (2024). Managing the Last Move : Older People’s Practical, Relational, and Emotional Work throughout the Transition from Home to a Nursing Home. Health & Social Care in the Community. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Hennessey, J. (2024). Cutting Colonial Losses : Imperial Ideology in Media Coverage of the 1878 Transfer of Saint Barthélemy in Sweden and France. Scandinavian Journal of History, 49, 46-68. Routledge.
- Hennessey, J. (2024). George Montandon, the Ainu and the Theory of Hologenesis. Science in Context, 35, 133-151. Cambridge University Press.
- Hennessey, J. (2024). Overlooking Whiteness? : Discourses of Race and Primitiveness in Accounts of the Ainu by Benjamin Douglas Howard and Henry Savage Landor (1893). History and Anthropology, 35, 893-908. Taylor & Francis.
- Hennessey, J. (2024). Teaching European Colonial History in a "Humanitarian Superpower" : Presentations of Colonialism in Swedish Middle-School Textbooks. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 21, 418-442. Taylor & Francis.
- Herd, K. (2024). ’Snuten glimmar’ : polis i fotbollssånger. POPULÄR – Nordic Journal for Popular Culture Research, 3, 1-15. Lund University, Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper..
- Herd, K. (2024). “It is coming home to Rome” : social engagement and creativity in reactions to England national football team losing Euro 2020. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 37, 690-694. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
- Herd, K. (2024). Dealing with sportswashing – an exercise in honour and popular culture. Malmö högskola.
- Herd, K. (2024). Transfer patterns in the Swedish football clubs – a gift economy of loyalties and emotions. Soccer & Society, 25, 257-271. Taylor & Francis.
- Irwin, R. (2024). Politics, law and a lack of sperm : Single women and fertility treatment in the Swedish health system. Anthropology & Medicine, 31, 89-103. Taylor & Francis.
- Johansson, M. & van Waarden, B. (2024). Structural reading : Developing the method of Structural Collocation Analysis using a case study on parliamentary reporting. Historical Methods, 57, 185-198. Heldref Publications.
- Jönsson, J. (2024). Historical perspectives on forestry science and monocultures : Ideas of rationality in Sweden during the early twentieth century. Ambio: a Journal of Environment and Society, 53, 933-940. Springer.
- Klasson, M. (2024). Skygger og tvetydigheter : Innledning til Michel de Certeaus gjørekunster. Arr : idéhistorisk tidsskrift, 2024, 37-44.
- Larsson, E. (2024). The Flesh of History : Re-Enlivening the History of Textile Industries Through the Work of Kristina Müntzing. Konsthistorisk tidskrift/Journal of Art History, 92, 264-279. Taylor & Francis.
- Larsson, E. & Wolthers, L. (2024). Erotics as resistance : the work of Conny Karlsson Lundgren. Journal of Visual Art Practice, 23, 269-285. Taylor & Francis.
- Leth Gammelgaard, S. (2024). Flowers without meaning : The literary decadence as a finance aesthetics. b2o review.
- Lewandowski, D., Haider, J. & Sundin, O. (2024). JASIST Special Issue Editorial : Re-orienting search engine research in information science. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 75, 503-511. John Wiley & Sons Inc..
- Lundberg, B. (2024). Youth Activism and Global Awareness : The Emergence of the Operation Dagsverke Campaign in 1960s Sweden. Contemporary European History, 33, 546-560. Cambridge University Press.
- Mousavi, N. (2024). Dangerous remembering in volatile spaces : Activist memory work in the Iranian context. Memory Studies, 17, 1142-1156. SAGE Publications.
- Mousavi, N. & Dodds, P. (2024). Intermedial interventions in the city : Media-life-city and the right to media. Urban Matters. Malmö Institute for urban research (IUR), Malmö University.
- Mårald, E., Jönsson, J., Kardell, ?., Sjögren, J. & Tunlid, A. (2024). An Exotic Tree in a Foreign Country : A Cultural Biography of the Lodgepole Pine in Sweden. Environment and History, 30, 483-506. White Horse Press.