Articles (page 23 of 40)
- Hansson, K. (2012). Crisis and Caring for Inner Selves: Psychiatric Crisis as a Social Classification in Sweden in the 1970s. Culture Unbound. Journal of Current Cultural Research, 4, 499-512. Linköping University Electronic Press.
- Hansson, K. (2012). Mellan välvilja och förakt: en etnografi av kategoriseringar i staden. Lambda Nordica, 17, 102-120. Lambda Nordica Förlag.
- Holmberg, G. (2012). A Note on the Variability of V538 Cassiopeiae. The Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers, 40, 986-989. American Association of Variable Star Observers.
- Horstbøll, H. (2012). En bogtrykker og boghandler i København : Claude Philiberts forbindelse med Societé typographique de Neuchatel 1771-1783. Fund og forskning i det kongelige biblioteks samlinger, 51, 311-336. Det Kongelige Bibliotek, København.
- Horstbøll, H. & Bregnsboe, M. (2012). Dronning Caroline Mathildes bøger : et inventarium fra juli-august 1775 over dronning Caroline Mathildes efterladte bogsamling. Danske magazin : inholdende bidrag til den danske histories oplysning, 51, 555-581. Det Kongelige Danske Selskab for Fædrelandets Historie.
- Håkansson, H. (2012). Alchemy of the Ancient Goths: Johannes Bureus’ Search for the Lost Wisdom of Scandinavia. Early Science and Medicine, 17, 500-522. Brill.
- Höög, V. (2012). Visualizing the World. Epistemic Strategies in the History of Scientific Illustrations. Ideas in History. The journal of the Nordic Society of the History of Ideas, Volume 5, 2010-2011. Museum Tusculanum Press.
- Höög, V. & Liljefors, M. (2012). Editorial: The Image in Science : responses of the Humanities to Visualism in Science. Ideas in History. The journal of the Nordic Society of the History of Ideas, 5, 3-9. Museum Tusculanum Press.
- Johansson, R., Holmqvist, K., Mossberg, F. & Lindgren, M. (2012). Eye Movements and Reading Comprehension While Listening to Preferred and Non-preferred Study Music. Psychology of Music, 40, 339-356. SAGE Publications.
- Kaiserfeld, T. (2012). Från sightseeing till solbad—Svenska sällskapsresor från uppbyggelse per buss till nöjesresor med flyg under 1950- och 60-talen. Den jyske historiker, 177-195.
- Liljefors, M. (2012). Visualitet bortom subjektets gränser: biometri och geopolitik. Ekfrase, 3, 129-132. Universitetsforlaget.
- Limberg, L., Sundin, O. & Talja, S. (2012). Three Theoretical Perspectives on Information Literacy. Human IT, 11, 91-128. Högskolan i Borås.
- Lundin, S. (2012). "I want a baby, don't stop me from being a mother." An ethnographic study on fertility technology in the medical gray zones. Cultural Politics, 8, 327-344. Duke University Press.
- Lundin, S. (2012). Organ Economy. Organ Trafficking in Moldova and Israel. Public Understanding of Science, 21, 226-241. SAGE Publications.
- Löfgren, O. (2012). Opnion: What business anthropology is, what it might be... Journal of Business Anthropology, 1, 261-264. Journal of Business Anthropology.
- Löfgren, O. & Ehn, B. (2012). Pausens mikrodramtik. En essä om önskade och oönskade avbrott. Sosiologi i dag, 42, 15-36. Novus Forlag.
- Löfgren, O. & Klekot, E. (2012). Culture and Heritage. Ethnologie Française, 2012, 391-394. Presses universitaires de Paris Ouest.
- Nilsson, G. (2012). Att analysera Sanningens rörlighet. Objektivitet, politik och fält. Kulturella perspektiv, 21, 41-49. Föreningen Kulturella perspektiv.
- Norström, E., Fioretos, I. & Gustafsson, K. (2012). Working conditions of community interpreters in Sweden Opportunities and shortcomings. Interpreting, 14, 242-260. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- O'Dell, T. (2012). Suède: du romantisme national au feng shui. Construktif, 33.
- O'Dell, T., Hagen, N., Lundin, S. & Petersén, ?. (2012). For Better or for Worse: Lifeworld, System and Family Caregiving for a Chronic Genetic Disease. Culture Unbound. Journal of Current Cultural Research, 4, 537-557. Linköping University Electronic Press.
- Rivano Eckerdal, J. (2012). Information sources at play: the apparatus of knowledge production in contraceptive counselling. Journal of Documentation, 68, 278-298. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
- Rosenqvist, J. (2012). En förtingligad känsla av tillhörighet - om folkliga uttryck i samtidskonst och samtida konsthantverk. Preprint without journal information. Manne Siegbahn Institute.
- Sköld, O. (2012). The Affects of Virtual Space on Learning: A Literature Review. First Monday, 17. University of Illinois.
- Strannegard, L. & Strannegård, M. (2012). Works of art: Aesthetic Ambitions in Design Hotels. Annals of Tourism Research, 39, 1995-2012. Pergamon Press Ltd..