Articles (page 23 of 40)
- Svensson, R. (2013). En outsider och en gentleman : mediala mytbilder och Bo Cavefors bokförlag. Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap, 43, 45-58. Föreningen för utgivande av Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap.
- Willim, R. (2013). Att utforska gränsland : om TV-serien Folkliv. ETN:LUF Folklivsarkivet i Lund 100 år, 39-43. Etnologiska institutionen, Lunds universitet.
- Alftberg, ?. & Hansson, K. (2012). Introduction: Self‐care Translated into Practice. Culture Unbound. Journal of Current Cultural Research, 4, 415-424. Linköping University Electronic Press.
- Alftberg, ?. & Lundin, S. (2012). 'Successful Ageing' in Practice: Reflections on Health, Activity and Normality in Old Age in Sweden. Culture Unbound. Journal of Current Cultural Research, 4, 481-497. Linköping University Electronic Press.
- Amelang, K., Anastasiadou-Christophidou, V., Beck, S., Constantinou, C., Johansson, A. & Lundin, S. (2012). Learning to eat strawberries in a disciplined way: Normalization practices following organ transplantation. Ethnologia Europaea, 41. Open Library of Humanities.
- Arvidson, M. (2012). Music and Musicology in the Light of Intermediality and Intermedial Studies. STM-Online, 15. Svenska samfundet för musikforskning.
- Askander, M. (2012). Universitetspedagogik (recension). Högre utbildning, 2, 61-62. Swednet.
- Carlsson, H. (2012). Working with Facebook in Public Libraries: A Backstage Glimpse into the Library 2.0 Rhetoric. Libri, 62, 199-210. De Gruyter.
- Corvellec, H. & O'Dell, T. (2012). Demanding Hosts and Ungrateful Guests – The Everyday Drama of Public Transportation in Three Acts and Academic Prose. Culture and Organization, 18, 231-249. Routledge.
- Dunér, D. (2012). Introduction: the history and philosophy of astrobiology. Astrobiology, 12, 901-905. Mary Ann Liebert, Inc..
- Francke, H. & Sundin, O. (2012). Negotiating the role of sources: Educators' conceptions of credibility in participatory media. Library & Information Science Research, 34, 169-175. Elsevier.
- Goysdotter, M. (2012). Thought-Images : The Quest for Visualisations of the Mental around 1900. Ideas in History. The journal of the Nordic Society of the History of Ideas, 5, 11-26. Museum Tusculanum Press.
- Gustafsson, K., Fioretos, I. & Norström, E. (2012). Between empowerment and powerlessness: Separated minors in Sweden. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 136, 65-77. John Wiley & Sons Inc..
- Hagen, N., Hedlund, M., Lundin, S., Mulinari, S. & Kristoffersson, U. (2012). Genetics and democracy-what is the issue?. Journal of Community Genetics. Springer.
- Hagström, C. (2012). Nu är det fredagsmys! Chips och gemenskap när vardag blir helg. Budkavlen: Tidskrift för etnologi och folkloristik, 91, 9-25. Institutet för folklivsforskning vid Åbo Akademi.
- Haider, J. (2012). Interrupting practices that want to matter. The making, shaping and reproduction of environmental information online. Journal of Documentation, 67, 639-658. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
- Hansson, K. (2012). Crisis and Caring for Inner Selves: Psychiatric Crisis as a Social Classification in Sweden in the 1970s. Culture Unbound. Journal of Current Cultural Research, 4, 499-512. Linköping University Electronic Press.
- Hansson, K. (2012). Mellan välvilja och förakt: en etnografi av kategoriseringar i staden. Lambda Nordica, 17, 102-120. Lambda Nordica Förlag.
- Holmberg, G. (2012). A Note on the Variability of V538 Cassiopeiae. The Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers, 40, 986-989. American Association of Variable Star Observers.
- Horstbøll, H. (2012). En bogtrykker og boghandler i København : Claude Philiberts forbindelse med Societé typographique de Neuchatel 1771-1783. Fund og forskning i det kongelige biblioteks samlinger, 51, 311-336. Det Kongelige Bibliotek, København.
- Horstbøll, H. & Bregnsboe, M. (2012). Dronning Caroline Mathildes bøger : et inventarium fra juli-august 1775 over dronning Caroline Mathildes efterladte bogsamling. Danske magazin : inholdende bidrag til den danske histories oplysning, 51, 555-581. Det Kongelige Danske Selskab for Fædrelandets Historie.
- Håkansson, H. (2012). Alchemy of the Ancient Goths: Johannes Bureus’ Search for the Lost Wisdom of Scandinavia. Early Science and Medicine, 17, 500-522. Brill.
- Höög, V. (2012). Visualizing the World. Epistemic Strategies in the History of Scientific Illustrations. Ideas in History. The journal of the Nordic Society of the History of Ideas, Volume 5, 2010-2011. Museum Tusculanum Press.
- Höög, V. & Liljefors, M. (2012). Editorial: The Image in Science : responses of the Humanities to Visualism in Science. Ideas in History. The journal of the Nordic Society of the History of Ideas, 5, 3-9. Museum Tusculanum Press.
- Johansson, R., Holmqvist, K., Mossberg, F. & Lindgren, M. (2012). Eye Movements and Reading Comprehension While Listening to Preferred and Non-preferred Study Music. Psychology of Music, 40, 339-356. SAGE Publications.