Book chapters (page 31 of 58)
- Holst-Ekström, M. (2012). A Space to Explore, Places to Remember. In Diedrich, L. (Ed.) Light Volumes: art and landscape by Monika Gora (pp. 46-49). Birkhäuser.
- Horstbøll, H. (2012). Absolutism, Patriotism and Publicity in Denmark-Norway in the Eighteenth Century : Jens Schielderup Sneedorff, Andreas Schytte and Frederik Sneedorff. In Cuttica, C. & Burgess, G. (Eds.) Monarchism and absolutism in early modern Europe (pp. 91-100). Pickering & Chatto.
- Horstbøll, H. (2012). In Octavo : die Formveränderung der "Kleinen Historien" auf dem dänischem Buchmarkt vom 16. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert. In Glauser, J. & Richter, A. K. (Eds.) Text - Reihe - Transmission : Unfestigkeit als Phänomen skandinavischer Erzählprosa 1500-1800 (pp. 5-27). A. Francke Verlag.
- Horstbøll, H. (2012). The unstable Almanac : Transformations of the Almanac in Denmark in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. In Siegert, R. (Ed.) Volksbildung durch Lesestoffe im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert : Voraussetzungen - Medien - Topographie = Educating the people through reading material in the 18th and 19th centuries : principles - media - topography (pp. 207-226). edition lumière.
- Idvall, M. (2012). The Body as a Societal Resource in Transnational Giving: The Organ-Exchange Organizations of Scandiatransplant and Balttransplant. In Gunnarson, M. & Svenaeus, F. (Eds.) The Body as Gift, Resource, and Commodity: Exchanging Organs, Tissues, and Cells in the 21st Century (pp. 204-234). Södertörn University.
- Ilshammar, L. (2012). Anno 1912. In Ilshammar, L. (Ed.) ABF 100 år : och sedan? (pp. 11-26). Kata.
- Ilshammar, L. (2012). Hövdingen bakom galler : Hjalmar Branting. In Ekdahl, L. & Bosdotter, K. (Eds.) … faror för staten av svåraste slag : politiska fångar på Långholmen 1880-1950 (pp. 42-53). Stockholmia förlag.
- Ilshammar, L. (2012). Poeten som smädade Hitler : Ture Nerman. In Ekdahl, L. & Bosdotter, K. (Eds.) … faror för staten av svåraste slag : politiska fångar på Långholmen 1880-1950 (pp. 194-203). Stockholmia förlag.
- Ilshammar, L. (2012). Åtalsraseriets första offer : August Palm. In Ekdahl, L. & Bosdotter, K. (Eds.) … faror för staten av svåraste slag : politiska fångar på Långholmen 1880-1950 (pp. 30-41). Stockholmia förlag.
- Jönsson, H. (2012). Ethical aspects of applied ethnological food research. In Lysaght, P. (Ed.) Time for Food : Everyday Food and Changing Meal Habits in a Global Perspective. Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the International Commission for Ethnological Food Research, Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland, 18-21 August 2010. Åbo Akademis förlag.
- Jönsson, H., Knutsson, H. & Frykfors, C.-O. (2012). Facilitating Innovations in a Mature Industry-Learnings from the Skane Food Innovation Network. In Benjamin, V. (Ed.) Scientific, Health and Social Aspects of the Food Industry (pp. 221-240). IntechOpen.
- Jönsson, L.-E. (2012). Industrisamhällets kulturarv revisited. In Dahlström Rittsél, E., Isacson, M. & Tafvelin Heldner, M. (Eds.) Industrihistoriskt forum. Rapport från nationell konferens i Trollhättan 2008 och Falun 2009. (pp. 25-36). Industrihistoriskt forum.
- Jönsson, L.-E. (2012). Socialtjänst i praktiken. Landskommunernas sociala myndighetsutövning. In Jönsson, L.-E., Gustavsson, K., Greiff, M., Fransson, T. & Ulfsparre, A. C. (Eds.) Arbete, fritid och politik på landsbygden i Helsingborg (pp. 237-254), VIII:2. Helsingborgs stad.
- Kaiserfeld, T. (2012). Afterword: Clues to a continuing story of an open-ended case. In Hallonsten, O. (Ed.) In Pursuit of a Promise: Perspectives on the political process to establish the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund, Sweden (pp. 213-219). Arkiv.
- Kaiserfeld, T. (2012). Vid historiens gränser. In Wallenberg-Bondesson, M., Husz, O., Myrdal, J. & Tydém, M. (Eds.) Människans kunskap och kunskapen om människan: En gränslös historia (pp. 216-229). Sekel Bokförlag.
- Kaiserfeld, T. (2012). Västgötsk salpeter från stormaktstid och frihetstid. In Ask, C. (Ed.) Gränsland i krigens skugga, Västergötlands fornminnesförenings tidskrift 2012 (pp. 41-50).
- Liljefors, M. (2012). Bodies Against Meaning. De-Subjectification in Body Art and Bioart. In Martin, G. & Fredrik, S. (Eds.) The Body as Gift, Resource, and Commodity. Exchanging Organs, Tissues, and Cells in the 21st century. (pp. 169-203), Södertörns studies in practical knowledge 6. Södertörns högskola.
- Liljefors, M. (2012). Body and Authority in Contemporary Art: Tehching Hsieh’s One-Year Performances. In Dahlberg, L. (Ed.) Visualizing Law and Authority: Essays on Legal Aesthetics (pp. 204-233), Law & Literature 4. De Gruyter.
- Liljefors, M. (2012). Neuronal Fantasies : Reading Neuroscience with Schreber. In Max, L., Susanne, L. & Andréa, W. (Eds.) The Atomized Body. The Cultural Life of Stem Cells, Genes and Neurons (pp. 143-169). Nordic Academic Press.
- Liljefors, M. (2012). The Power and Challenges of Boris Lurie's Work. In Patterson, C. (Ed.) Jews : a people's history of the Lower East Side (pp. 257-266), Volume 3. Clayton Books, LLC.
- Lundin, S. (2012). Moral Accounting Stem Cell Researchers on the Individual and Society. In Liljefors, M., Lundin, S. & Wiszmeg, A. (Eds.) The Anatomized Body. The Cultural Life of Stem Cells, Genes and Neurons. Nordic Academic Press.
- Lundin, S. & Liljefors, M. (2012). Introduction. In Liljefors, M., Lundin, S. & Wiszmeg, A. (Eds.) The Atomized Body. The Cultural Life of Stem Cells, Genes and Neurons (pp. 15-40). Nordic Academic Press.
- Löfgren, O. (2012). European Tourism. In Kockel, U. & Frykman, J. (Eds.) A companion to the anthropology of Europe (pp. 339-354). Wiley-Blackwell.
- Löfgren, O. (2012). It's simply too much! Coping with domestic overflow. In Löfgren, O. & Czarniawska, B. (Eds.) Managing overflow in affluent societies (pp. 101-124). Routledge.
- Löfgren, O. (2012). Material culture. In Bendix, R. (Ed.) A Companion to Folklore (pp. 169-184). Wiley-Blackwell.