Book chapters (page 5 of 58)
- Jönsson, L.-E. (2023). Gamla stadsteatern : Minnen av ett hus, erfarenheter av en rivning. Speglingar av en tid 1970-2015 : Helsingborgs historia, 9:1, 117-126. Helsingborgs stad.
- Jönsson, L.-E. (2023). Kroppkarusellen. Speglingar av en tid 1970-2015 : Helsingborgs historia, vol 9:1, 101-108. Helsingborgs stad.
- Jönsson, L.-E. (2023). Lasarettet. Speglingar av en stad 1970-2015 : Helsingborgs historia, 9:1, 135-142. Helsingborgs stad.
- Jönsson, L.-E. (2023). LB-färjorna : Transport och nöjesliv på Sundet. Speglingar av en tid 1970-2015 : Helsingborgs historia, 9:1, 109-116. Helsingborgs stad.
- Jönsson, L.-E. (2023). Stadshus i välfärdssamhället. Speglingar av en tid 1970-2015 : Helsingborgs historia, 9:1, 127-134. Helsingborgs stad.
- Klareld, A.-S. (2023). Grupparbete och pedagogiskt ledarskap : Kursutveckling under pandemin. In Enevold Duncan, J., Klareld, A.-S. & Persson, D. (Eds.) Lund Studies in Arts and Cultural Sciences, Pedagogiska problem och lösningar i pandemitid : En samling lärarberättelser (pp. 67-85), 32. Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Lund University.
- Klareld, A.-S. & Paasch, M. (2023). A Continuum of Recordkeeping? : The possibilities and challenges of born-digital public records in Denmark and Sweden. In Bak, G. & Rostgaard, M. (Eds.) The Nordic Model of Digital Archiving (pp. 60-76). Routledge.
- Langen, U., Nordin, J. & Stjernfelt, F. (2023). Implementing Freedom of the Press in Eighteenth-Century Scandinavia : Perspectives on a Surprising Lack of Transnationalism. In Hemstad, R., Kaasa, J. S., Krefting, E. & Nøding, A. (Eds.) Knowledge and Communication in the Enlightenment World, Literary Citizenship in Scandinavia in the Long Eighteenth Century (pp. 90-116), 1. The Boydell Press.
- Liu, R., Lundin, S., Smith, A., Gosa, T., Roviss Khambule, P. & Muller, E. (2023). Risk awareness in medicine access : Methodological reflections from fieldwork in a low-income setting in South Africa. In Lundin, S., Liu, R., Muller, E. & Smith, A. (Eds.) STIAS series, Medicine across borders : Exploration of grey zones (pp. 193-210), 17. African Sun Media.
- Lofgren, O. (2023). Family and Household : Images and Realities: Cultural Change in Swedish Society. Households : Comparative and Historical Studies of the Domestic Group, 446-469. University of California Press.
- Lundblad, K. (2023). Där litteraturen äger rum : Bokhistorikern Kristina Lundblad skickar en hälsning från Paris där hon studerar böckernas plats i det offentliga rummet. In Tallroth, L. (Ed.) Svenska Akademiens verksamhetsberättelse, Svenska Akademien 2022 : Svenska Akademiens verksamhetsberättelse 2022 (pp. 36-37). Svenska Akademien.
- Lundblad, K. (2023). Londini Scanorum impressa : Boktryckets introduktion i Skåne. In Dunér, D. (Ed.) Sveriges kyrkor: Konsthistoriskt inventarium., Lunds domkyrka : Idéer och världsbilder (pp. 456-462), 245. Makadam förlag.
- Lundin, S., Liu, R., Muller, E. & Smith, A. (2023). Introduction : Medicine across borders. In Lundin, S., Liu, R., Muller, E. & Smith, A. (Eds.) STIAS series, Medicine across borders : Exploration of grey zones (pp. 1-12), 17. African Sun Media.
- Löfgren, O. & Czarniawska, B. (2023). But You Are Not an Immigrant! On Nordic Immigration in a Cultural Perspective. Organising Immigrants’ Integration : Practices and Consequences in Labour Markets and Societies, 249-268. Springer International Publishing.
- Mirsalehi, T. & Hansson, K. (2023). To reach the unreachable : Migration, health vulnerabilities, and the problem of nonresponse bias in health research. In Lundin, S., Liu, R., Muller, E. & Smith, A. (Eds.) STIAS series, Medicine Across Borders: exploration of Grey Zones : Exploration of Grey Zones (pp. 133-151), 17. African Sun Media.
- Mousavi, N. (2023). Cameras, Pencils, Traumas : Drawn Images in and as Documentary Practice. In Schirrmacher, B. & Mousavi, N. (Eds.) Palgrave Studies in Intermediality, Truth Claims Across Media (pp. 127-150). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Neuman, N. & Jönsson, H. (2023). Beyond Conviviality: Facets of eating together. In Lestar, T., Pilato, M. & Séraphin, H. (Eds.) Eating Together in the Twenty-first Century : Social Challenges, Community Values, Individual Wellbeing (pp. 180-190). Routledge.
- Nilsson, C. (2023). En marknad för tid : Etableringen av time management som industri och ideologi i Sverige. In Andersson, J., Glover, N., Husz, O. & Larsson Heidenblad, D. (Eds.) Kriterium, Marknadens tid : Mellan folkhemskapitalism och nyliberalism, 54. Nordic Academic Press.
- Nilsson, G. (2023). ”Jag kan leva på detta!” : Utmaningar och möjligheter med arbetet som influencer. In Sandmark, H. (Ed.) Ett hälsofrämjande arbetsliv? : Utmaningar och möjligheter (pp. 151-184). Studentlitteratur AB.
- Nilsson, G. (2023). The HIV Man, Alexandra Man and Hotboy : Swedish News Coverage of Rape as a Folklore of Fear. In Berridge, S. & Boyle, K. (Eds.) Routledge companions to gender, The Routledge Companion to Gender, Media and Violence (pp. 136-144). Routledge.
- Nordin, J. (2023). Building a Nation through Books : From Military to Cultural Armament in Seventeenth-Century Sweden. In Nordin, J., Strenga, G. & Sjökvist, P. (Eds.) Library of the Written Word, The Baltic Battle of Books : Formation and Relocation of European Libraries in the Confessional Age (c. 1500–1650) and Their Afterlife (pp. 151-178), 116. Brill.
- Nordin, J. (2023). Clas Frietzcky's Library at Säbylund. In van Delft, M. & Sjökvist, P. (Eds.) Acta Bibliothecae R. Universitatis Upsaliensis, A Warm Scent of Books : Private Libraries at Leufstabruk and Beyond (pp. 127-141), 55. Uppsala universitet.
- Nordin, J. (2023). Hästar, härar och hus : Förläggandet av den svenska stormaktstidens planschverk. In Hansen, H., Jakobsen, J., Nyvang, C., Purtoft, M., Rasmussen, K. S. G. & Simonsen, M. (Eds.) Boghistorie i Skandinavien (pp. 169-199). Aarhus Universitetsforlag.
- Nordin, J. (2023). Mediating Images of Monarchy from Castle to Cottage in Eighteenth-Century Sweden. In Corfield, P. & Nordin, J. (Eds.) Media and Mediation in the Eighteenth Century (pp. 25-71). Swedish Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Division of Book History, Lund University.
- Nordin, J. (2023). Sweden 1766 : The World’s First Legislation Protecting Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Information. In Jordan, L., Banda, F. & McGuire, C. (Eds.) Memory of the World SCEaR Newsletter : Press Freedom and Documentary Heritage (pp. 25-30). Sub-Committee on Education and Research (SCEaR), IAC, UNESCO MoW Programme.