Conference contributions (page 12 of 27)
- Haider, J. & Kjellberg, S. (2015). Data in the making.
- Hammarfelt, B. & Åström, F. (2015). The multi-layered and multilevel use of bibliometric measures in Swedish universities: Isomorphism, translation and strategic choice.
- Hansson, K. (2015). Kropp som teori och metod i etnologisk forskning. [Publication information missing], 80-80.
- Hansson, K. (2015). När forskaren och allmänheten möts. [Publication information missing].
- Hansson, K. (2015). Transforming narratives in implementation processes of Hospital Based Home Care for children with newly diagnosed diabetes. [Publication information missing], 24-24.
- Hansson, K. & Wästerfors, D. (2015). Facing New Digital Arenas. Critical Disability Perspectives on Digital Games and New Social Media.
- Hansson, K., Alftberg, ?., Apelmo, E. & Svensson Chowdhury, M. (2015). Social, Cultural and Historical Aspects of Hearing Impairment. Identity and Modern Sound Environments.
- Idvall, M. (2015). Järnvägstunneln och undervattensbron : på tvärs i 1880-talets Öresundsområde.
- Idvall, M. (2015). Negotiating consensus : how patients and scientists co-produce and seek concordance when new biomedical standards and health practices are targeted.
- Jönsson, J. (2015). Jordanalys och skogsbiologisk legitimitet : Introduktion och avgränsning av skoglig marklära.
- Lee-Morrison, L. (2015). Eigenface : The image and the machine.
- Lee-Morrison, L. (2015). The Forensic Architecture Project : Virtual imagery as evidence in the contemporary context of the war on terror.
- Lundblad, K. (2015). Matter matters : material communication and the role of book history in the curriculum of publishing studies.
- O'Dell, T. & Willim, R. (2015). Multi-Targeted Ethnography : Refunctioning Academia in an Age of Measurements and Demands for Societal Usefulness.
- Rivano Eckerdal, J. (2015). Girl virus? : Information practices regarding HPV-vaccination in Swedish school healthcare environments.
- Salomonsson, K. (2015). Att berätta ett kulturarv.
- Salomonsson, K. (2015). Tantskräck, gäddhäng och magfläsk : co-bodies och materiellt/diskursiva praktiker i styling och personal shopping.
- Salomonsson, K. (2015). Writing genre and the force of expression.
- Sjöholm, C. (2015). Samexistens i villaträdgården.
- Steiner, A. (2015). Bookselling – Transformation and continuity in the Swedish book market.
- Steiner, A. (2015). The Global Book on the Market in the 21st Century.
- Sundin, O. (2015). Challenging Information Literacies for a Democratic Society.
- Sundin, O. (2015). Google i vardagen och vardagen genom Google.
- Sundin, O. (2015). Outsourcing trust to the information infrastructure : a socio-material perspective.
- Suneson, E. (2015). Bilder, seende och normalitet : populärvetenskapens visuella representationer av hjärnan.