Conference contributions (page 7 of 27)
- Nilsson, G. (2018). The HIV-man, the Alexandra-man, and the Plastic Surgeon : Named emotions in news narratives on rape.
- Nordin, J. (2018). Från tro till tvivel : Religionsundantaget i äldre tryckfrihetsdebatt. In Lindberg, B. (Ed.) Konferenser, Opinionsfrihet och religion (pp. 11-27), 98. Kungliga Vitterhets- historie- och antikvitetsakademien.
- Norris, M. (2018). "Att här efter beskydda och handhawa" : The Allied Roles of Collection and Conservation in Johan Hadorph's Antiquarian Project.
- O'dell, T. & Gradén, L. (2018). In the Shadow of the Dalahorse : Making Heritage and Creating Diversities in Swedish America.
- Pedersen, A. H. (2018). Your Top Songs 2018 : An Imaginary of co-creating Music Histories.
- Rasmussen, P. (2018). Robe de Cour at the Swedish Court.
- Salomonsson, K. (2018). "Orkar inte dela med mig idag!" Om lånekultur och delandets imperativ i en kollaborativ ekonomi.
- Severinsson, E. (2018). Moderna kvinnor – friheten som hot. In Nyström, D. & Overud, J. (Eds.) e Report series of the Swedish Association for Women’s and Gender Historians, Gender, History, Futures : Report from the XI Nordic Women’s and Gender History Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, August 19–21 2015. SKOGH.
- Steiner, A. (2018). Changing Children's Minds. Diversity in Swedish Children's Digital Literature.
- Suneson, E. (2018). Materiality, aesthetic gestures and emotional communities : on emotions as artistic medium.
- Tunlid, A. (2018). Eva Hansen-Melander and the circulation of knowledge within the cancer chromosome network.
- Tunlid, A. & Björkman, M. (2018). Genetic diversity in the fetus : Examples from medical genetics and genetic counseling in Sweden 1950–1980.
- Willim, R. (2018). The Darkness Beyond The Digital : Internet of Things and Disquiet Connectivity.
- Willim, R. (2018). The Look of Siri : Visual Manifestations of Digital Voice Assistants.
- Willim, R. (2018). Welcome to Mundania (an Audio Paper).
- Wiszmeg, A. (2018). Cells in suspense : Uncertainty and potential in laboratory work.
- Wiszmeg, A. (2018). Cells in suspense : Uncertainty and potential in laboratory work.
- Åström, F. (2018). Science audited: Indicator-based systems for research evaluation and resource allocation.
- Andersson, J., Ekstam, L. & Nilsson, G. (2017). Applying the world café method to involve users in an interactive analysis of research results.
- Bengtsen, P. (2017). Sanctioned “street art” and the fossilisation of urban public space.
- Gradén, L. (2017). Borderlands matter in the Museum.
- Gradén, L. & O'Dell, T. (2017). A Hip Heritage : Re-imagining Nordic Culture in North America.
- Gradén, L. & O'Dell, T. (2017). Heritagelore : Museums and the manner in which Heritage might be understood in a trialectic framework of place, materiality and mobility.
- Gradén, L. & O'Dell, T. (2017). What Happens to Nordic Culture When you Drop the “Heritage"? : Re-imagining Nordic culture for a new museum.
- Gustavsson, K. (2017). Skapandet av en berättelse : exemplet Svensk stad i Helsingborg.