Artiklar (sida 15 av 40)
- Liljefors, M. (2018). ‘Biospace’ : The visual rhetoric of space in micrographs. Philosophy of Photography, 9, 165-184. Intellect Ltd..
- Lindsköld, L. (2018). Google as a political subject : the right to be forgotten debate 2014-2016. Online Information Review, 42, 768-783. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
- Lundberg, A. & Dahlquist, L. (2018). Sanctuary practices in scandinavian transnational cities : The case of public libraries. Journal of Human Rights Practice, 10, 142-158. Oxford University Press.
- Manhag, A. & Wittrock, H. (2018). In search of New Sweden : Discovering the ‘American curiosities’ of Samuel Hesselius. Journal of the History of Collections. Oxford University Press.
- Nilsson, F. (2018). Under ytan, bakom fasaden. : En kulturanalys av smuggling, rumslig ordning och moraliska geografier. Budkavlen: Tidskrift för etnologi och folkloristik, årgång 97. Institutet för folklivsforskning vid Åbo Akademi.
- Nilsson, F. & Idvall, M. (2018). ”Där den stora uppsorteringen börjar”. Om nationsgränser och nationella reningsriter. Laboratorium för folk och kultur. Brages sektion för folklivsforskning, Helsingfors.
- Nilsson, G., Ekstam, L. & Andersson, J. (2018). Pushing for miracles, pulling away from risk : An ethnographic analysis of the force dynamics at Senior Summer Camps in Sweden. Journal of Aging Studies, 47, 96-103. Elsevier.
- Nilsson, G., Hansson, K., Tiberg, I. & Hallström, I. (2018). How dislocation and professional anxiety influence readiness for change during the implementation of hospital-based home care for children newly diagnosed with diabetes – an ethnographic analysis of the logic of workplace change. BMC Health Services Research, 18, 1-10. BioMed Central (BMC).
- Pétursson, J. ?. (2018). Organic intimacy : emotional practices at an organic store. Agriculture and Human Values, 35, 581-594. Springer.
- Qvarnström, L. (2018). A history of dead ends : the historiography of early twentieth-century Swedish mural painting. Journal of Art Historiography, 1-21. Department of History of Art, Univeristy of Birmingham.
- Rivano Eckerdal, J. (2018). Equipped for resistance : an agonistic conceptualisation of the public library as a verb. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 69, 1405-1413. John Wiley & Sons Inc..
- Savin, K. (2018). Paintings in the Heart : Early Modern Swedish Broadside Ballads of Wonders and Accidents. Arv. Nordic Yearbook of Folklore, 74, 71-86. The Royal Gustavus Adolphus Academy, Uppsala.
- Steiner, A. (2018). The Global Book : Micropublishing, Conglomerate Production, and Digital Market Structures. Publishing Research Quarterly, 34, 118-132. Transaction Publishers.
- Stobaeus, P. (2018). Biskop Brask – mångsidig framåtblickande bevarare. Signum: Katolsk orientering om kyrka, kultur, samhälle, 2018, 44-46. Newmaninstitutet.
- Willim, R., Pink, S., Ruckenstein, M. & Duque, M. (2018). Broken data : Conceptualising data in an emerging world. Big Data and Society, 5, 1-13. SAGE Publications.
- Andersson, C. (2017). “Google is not fun” : an investigation of how Swedish teenagers frame online searching. Journal of Documentation, 73, 1244-1260. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
- Andersson, C. (2017). The front and backstage : pupils’ information activities in secondary school. Information Research, 22. Thomas Daniel Wilson.
- Bengtsen, P. (2017). The myth of the “street artist”: a brief note on terminology. Street Art & Urban Creativity Scientific Journal, 3, 104-105. Urban Creativity.
- Carlsson, H. & Sundin, O. (2017). Searching for delegated knowledge in elementary schools. Information Research, 22. Thomas Daniel Wilson.
- Dunér, D. (2017). On the Plausibility of Intelligent Life on Other Worlds : A Cognitive-Semiotic Assessment of fi · fc · L. Environmental Humanities, 9, 433-453. Duke University Press.
- Enevold, J. & Hagström, C. (2017). Coming out of the Gaming Closet : Engaged Cultural Analysis and the Life-Line as Interview Method and Consciousness-Raiser. Cultural Analysis, 16, 20-44. University of California.
- Führer, H. (2017). “Take the Beuys off!” – Reconsidering the Current Concept of Ekphrasis in the Performative Poetry of Thomas Kling : A portrait poem by the German poet Thomas Kling (1957-2005) about the German artist Joseph Beuys is the starting point to reconsider the current ekphrasis discourse in the light of experienced visuality by combining the concept of ancient rhetoric with modern ideas of imagination, multimodality and performativity. Aletria: Revista de Estudos de Literatura, 27, 157-188.
- Führer, H. (2017). “Take the Beuys off!” : – Reconsidering the Current Concept of Ekphrasis in the Performative Poetry of Thomas Kling. Aletria: Revista de Estudos de Literatura, 27, 157-188.
- Gradén, L. & O'Dell, T. (2017). Museums and Heritage Collections in the Cultural Economy : The Challenge of Addressing Wider Audiences and Local Communities. Museum International, 68, 48-67. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Graminius, C. (2017). Building a New China: Hukou investigation practices in Beijing and Tianjin, 1949-1950. PRC History Review, 2, 1-10. The PRC History Group.