Artiklar (sida 16 av 40)
- Enevold, J. & Hagström, C. (2017). Coming out of the Gaming Closet : Engaged Cultural Analysis and the Life-Line as Interview Method and Consciousness-Raiser. Cultural Analysis, 16, 20-44. University of California.
- Führer, H. (2017). “Take the Beuys off!” – Reconsidering the Current Concept of Ekphrasis in the Performative Poetry of Thomas Kling : A portrait poem by the German poet Thomas Kling (1957-2005) about the German artist Joseph Beuys is the starting point to reconsider the current ekphrasis discourse in the light of experienced visuality by combining the concept of ancient rhetoric with modern ideas of imagination, multimodality and performativity. Aletria: Revista de Estudos de Literatura, 27, 157-188.
- Führer, H. (2017). “Take the Beuys off!” : – Reconsidering the Current Concept of Ekphrasis in the Performative Poetry of Thomas Kling. Aletria: Revista de Estudos de Literatura, 27, 157-188.
- Gradén, L. & O'Dell, T. (2017). Museums and Heritage Collections in the Cultural Economy : The Challenge of Addressing Wider Audiences and Local Communities. Museum International, 68, 48-67. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Graminius, C. (2017). Building a New China: Hukou investigation practices in Beijing and Tianjin, 1949-1950. PRC History Review, 2, 1-10. The PRC History Group.
- Groth, S. K. (2017). Composers on Stage : Ambiguous authorship in contemporary music performance. Contemporary Music Review, 35, 686-705. Routledge.
- Groth, S. K. (2017). Performer composer panel : Panel discussion with Kristian Hverring, Louise Alenius and Simon Steen-Andersen. Seismograf.
- Groth, S. K. & Samson, K. (2017). Sound Art Situations. Organised Sound, 22, 101-111. Cambridge University Press.
- Groth, S. K., Vandsø, A., Schmidt, U. & Søndergaard, M. (2017). Sound Art Matters. Seismograf.
- Hagström, C. (2017). Att skapa ordning : Den systematiska samlaren. Kulturella perspektiv, 8-16. Föreningen Kulturella perspektiv.
- Hagström, C. & Nylund Skog, S. (2017). Samlande, samlare, samlingar. Kulturella perspektiv, 2-2. Föreningen Kulturella perspektiv.
- Haidenthaller, Y. (2017). Alvin - för Sverige i tiden? : Ett referensverk för nästa generation. Nordisk Numismatisk Unions Medlemsblad, 2, 53-58. Nordisk Numismatisk Union.
- Haider, J. (2017). Controlling the urge to search : Studying the informational texture of practices by exploring the missing element. Information Research, 22. Thomas Daniel Wilson.
- Haider, J. & Åström, F. (2017). Dimensions of trust in scholarly communication : problematizing peer review in the aftermath of John Bohannon’s ‘Sting’ in Science. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 68, 450-467. John Wiley & Sons Inc..
- Hanell, F. (2017). Teacher trainees’ information sharing activities and identity positioning on Facebook. Journal of Documentation, 73, 244-262. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
- Hansson, K. (2017). Det digitala arbetslivet. Digitalisering av sjuksköterskeyrket. Budkavlen: Tidskrift för etnologi och folkloristik, 96, 10-23. Institutet för folklivsforskning vid Åbo Akademi.
- Hansson, K. (2017). Det mätbara arbetslivet i laboratoriet. Kulturella perspektiv, 26, 8-17. Föreningen Kulturella perspektiv.
- Höög, V. (2017). Dictionary of the History of Ideas. Insikt och handling, 25, 31-32. Hans Larsson Samfundet.
- Idvall, M. (2017). Synchronizing the Self with Science : How Individuals with Parkinson's Disease Move along with Clinical Trials. Ethnologia Scandinavica, 47, 57-77. Folklivsarkivet.
- Idvall, M. (2017). The Concordant Space of Biomedical Science : How Individuals with Parkinson's Disease Synchronize themselves with Clinical Trials. Collegium Antropologicum, 41, 263-266. Croatian Anthropological Society.
- Idvall, M. & Nilsson, F. (2017). ”Man bör ha en medicinsk spärr” : En studie av kulturellt gränsarbete. Gränsløs. Tidskrift för studier av Öresundsregionens historia, kultur och samhällsliv., 8, 23-35. Centrum för Öresundsstudier, Lunds universitet.
- Klareld, A.-S. & Lindblad-Gidlund, K. (2017). Rethinking archives as digital : The consequences of ‘paper minds’ in illustrations and definitions of ‘e-archives’. Archivaria, 83, 81-108.
- Löfgren, O. (2017). Mess : on domestic overflows. Consumption Markets and Culture, 20, 1-6. Taylor & Francis.
- Löfgren, O. (2017). Re-inventing and deconstructing Europe all in 136 Centimetres. Ethnologia Europaea, 47, 81-83. Open Library of Humanities.
- Löfgren, O. (2017). The Nationalization of culture. Ethnologia Europaea, 47, 35-53. Open Library of Humanities.