Konferensbidrag (sida 1 av 27)
- Risberg, O. (2025). Försök med arbetsplatsbibliotek : Att förstå motiven till utlåning på arbetsplatser i Malmö under 1960- och 1970-talet. I Engström, L. & Lindberg, J. (Red.) Uppdrag demokrati : fri information, möten och läsning i en polariserad tid (pp. 111-119). Svensk biblioteksförening.
- Andersson, C., Engström, L., Severinsson, E. & Tanderup Linkis, S. (2024). "Vad förväntas av en?" : Upplevelser av "idealstudenten" och mötet med universitetet. I Santesson, S. & Andersson, S. (Red.) Lifelong Learning and Higher Education: New (and Old) Perspectives : Proceedings from the 2022 Lund University Conference on Teaching and Learning (pp. 35-53). Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology, Lund University.
- Askander, M. (2024). Check mate IRL! Check mate online! : A few words on the digital and playing (chess).
- Cejvan, O., Göransson, E., La Mela, V., Markussen, H. I. & Pedersen Schmidt, S. (2024). The Writing Group : A Community of Practice and Collegiality. I Santesson, S. & Andersson, S. (Red.) Lifelong learning and Higher Education: New (and Old) Perspectives : Proceedings from the 2022 Lund University Conference on Teaching and Learning (pp. 109-118). Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology, Lund University.
- Farnsworth, B. (2024). DEI and Missing Social Protections : The Case of Borealis - A Festival for Experimental Music in Bergen, Norway.
- Gradén, L. (2024). Beyond site/sight : Culural spaces and the conditions of creativity.
- Gåvertsson, F. (2024). The Somerville School and (the Re-Emergence of) Metaphysics.
- Gåvertsson, F. & Jönsson, J. (2024). Fritte and the Evolution of Topical Filler Comics : Styles, Aesthetics, and Genre Conventions.
- Hagström, C., Houltz, A. & Herpai, R. (2024). Transporthistoriska underlag : Nya vägar till historiska källor.
- Jönsson, J. (2024). Idéer om rationalitet och biologisk diversitet i svensk skogsvetenskap under tidigt 1900-tal.
- Jönsson, J. (2024). Skogsbruk och teknisk förändring mellan nationella och globala narrativ 1950 till 2000.
- Jönsson, J. & Priebe, J. (2024). Knowledge brokering and the historical legitimization of mechanized forestry.
- Mousavi, N. (2024). Forming neurodivergent, networked selves across, within, and all over media.
- Mousavi, N. (2024). Unlearning neuronormativity through comics.
- Oen, M. (2024). Images of Authority : Pictorial Paratexts and the Writings of Saintly Women.
- Reuter, A. (2024). Modules and Clusters : The Platformed Transformation of Pop.
- Suneson, E. (2024). To show but not tell : formalism as means to rearrange and destabilize memories of 1970s feminist art.
- Tunlid, A. (2024). Debatten om dödshjälp i Sverige under 1900-talets första hälft.
- Van Melik, R., Rivano Eckerdal, J. & Engström, L. (2024). Governing libraries - governing social infrastructures.
- Yrjänäinen, V., Norén, F. M., Borges, R., Jarlbrink, J., Brorsson, L. ?., Olsson, A. P., Snickars, P. & Magnusson, M. (2024). The Swedish Parliament Corpus 1867-2022. I Calzolari, N., Kan, M.-Y., Hoste, V., Lenci, A., Sakti, S. & Xue, N. (Red.) 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC-COLING 2024 - Main Conference Proceedings, 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC-COLING 2024 - Main Conference Proceedings (pp. 16100-16112). European Language Resources Association.
- Aspeborg, A. (2023). Uncertainty at the threshold of life.
- Baden, F. F. (2023). Does Chernobyl Glow? : How Eco-Aesthetics can affect Post-Nuclear Promises.
- Dodds, P. (2023). “The reconstruction of various objects in the home that were destroyed in the attack” : The artistic materials of migrant home-making in Sweden.
- Dodds, P. (2023). The cultural production of scalability : Music, colonialism and the Moravian missionary project.
- Engwall, K. & Tunlid, A. (2023). “Untidy, Uneducable and Feebleminded” : the Connection between Grading Patient´s Functionality and Treating them in the Swedish Asylum of Vipeholm 1935–1962.