Konferensbidrag (sida 20 av 27)
- Liljefors, M. (2010). Signs of Flesh: Institution and Body in Accounts of Paranoia (Notes on Schreber and Fabian).
- Lundblad, K. (2010). Om betydelsen av böckers utseende : Boken moderniteten och den materiella kulturen.
- Lundblad, K. (2010). The title specific bookbinding or How to mass produce the unique.
- Lundin, S. (2010). Organ trafficking. An ethnographic study on the selling of organs in Moldova and Israel. I Bos, M., van Busschbach, J. & Weimar, W. (Red.) Organ Transplantation: Ethical, Legal and Psychosocial Aspects. Expanding the European Platform.
- Pelayo, I. & Flores, M. J. (2010). Las huellas históricas del videojuego. La estructura espacial y los personajes femeninos en los videojuegos basados en la mitología nórdica. ICONO 14, A5, 241-255. ICONO 14, Actas del I Congreso Internacional de Videojuego. No.A5, pp.241-255. Madrid. Spain..
- Sjöholm, C. (2010). Literary Tourism and the Branding of Places: An Expanding Market in Sweden.
- Willim, R. (2010). Elsewhereness - Evoking The Ethnographic and The Surreal.
- Willim, R. & O'Dell, T. (2010). Composing Ethnography.
- Willim, R. & O'Dell, T. (2010). Creativity & Corporate Research. User Driven Innovation & New Invocations of Ethnography in Business Practices.
- Willim, R. & O'Dell, T. (2010). Ethnography. Its Routes and Incarnations Beyond The Swedish Academ.
- Önnerfors, A. (2010). Die Nutzbarmachung der Natur als Thema der schwedischen aufgeklärten Presse. I Popplow, M. (Red.) Cottbuser Studien zur Geschichte von Technik, Arbeit und Umwelt 30 (pp. 323-334). Waxmann Verlag.
- Arvidson, J. (2009). Filmen om Zidane – en modell för kulturstudier.
- Arvidson, M. (2009). Musik, ideologi och ekologi.
- Arvidson, M. (2009). Ut Pictura Musica och striden mellan konstarterna.
- Askander, M. (2009). Att sminka de döda. I Nyblom, A. (Red.) ACSIS: Advanced Cultural Studies Institute of Sweden (pp. 397-408), Kultur~Natur 2009 - Conference Proceedings. Linköping University Electronic Press.
- Askander, M. (2009). Gayikon, flickidol, livsdyrkare.
- Enevold, J. (2009). Mama Ludens Goes All-In : Gaming Mothers' Fun Lead the Ludic Revolution.
- Enevold, J. (2009). Playing Productive: Pragmatic Uses of Gaming.
- Enevold, J. & Hagström, C. (2009). Frustrated Mom Kills Dragon: Motherhood, Emotions and Computer Games.
- Enevold, J. & Hagström, C. (2009). Time to Play: Ethnographic Perspectives on Mothers’ Digital Gaming.
- Eriksson, J. (2009). Maskinisk darwinism: teknikens naturhistoria hos Samuel Butler och Gilles Deleuze. I Nyblom, A. (Red.) Linköping University Conference Proceedings (pp. 299-310). Linköping University Electronic Press.
- Flores, F. (2009). Postmodern vitalism: från D'Arcy Thompson till Mandelbrot. Series:Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, 113-130. Linköping University Electronic Press.
- Flores, M. J. & Pelayo, I. (2009). Mitos, ciudades y cine: un viaje de ida y vuelta. Actas Icono 14, 2009, No A3., 3-12. ICONO 14 EDITORIAL.
- Francke, H. & Sundin, O. (2009). Format Agnostics or Format Believers? How Students in High School Use Genre to Assess Credibility. I Grove, A. (Red.) ASIS&T Annual Meeting, 46. ASIS&T.
- Hansson, K. (2009). Platsens möjligheter för ungdomar som använder rullstol.