Konferensbidrag (sida 13 av 27)
- Tunlid, A. (2015). Centrum för biologisk mångfald : utmaningar för en gränsöverskridande organisation.
- Tunlid, A. (2015). Kromosomavvikelser och genetiska sjukdomar : metoder och klassificering i medicinsk genetik 1955-1975.
- Tunlid, A. (2015). Science policy on medical genetics : Knowledge and values of human heredity in the Swedish Welfare State.
- Wästerfors, D. & Hansson, K. (2015). In my bubble, in my fight. Disability in gaming practices. [Publication information missing], 123-123.
- Alftberg, ?. (2014). Soundscapes and (dis)able bodies.
- Anderson, T. D., Åström, F., Francke, H., Hartel, J. & Kjellberg, S. (2014). Storying Research : Conducting Research in New Formats and New Voices. iConference 2014 Proceedings, 1223-1226. Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship (IDEALS).
- Arvidson, M. (2014). The Impact of Cultural Studies on Musicology Within the Context of Word and Music Studies : Questions and Answers. I Schirrmacher, B., Hart, H., Heady, K. & Hinz, H. (Red.) Stockholmer germanistische Forschungen, Ideology in Words and Music : Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Word and Music Association Forum Stockholm, November 8–10, 2012 (pp. 17-29), 79. Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis.
- Arvidson, M. (2014). Transmedial Semiotic Structures in Brad Mehldau's Highway Rider. [Publication information missing].
- Bengtsen, P. (2014). Flooding culture : street art and graffiti as means of opposition.
- Bengtsen, P. (2014). Stealing from the public : on the removal of street art from the street.
- Bengtsen, P. (2014). The value of street art : on the commodity status of artworks removed from the street.
- Bengtsen, P. (2014). Urban miners : life in the waste-land of the information society.
- Bengtsen, P. & Arvidsson, M. (2014). Law, street art and spatial justice.
- Budd, J., Elmborg, J., Lloyd, A. & Sundin, O. (2014). Theoretical Foundations for Information Literacy : a Plan for Action. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology : 2014, 51, 1-4. ASIS&T.
- Dunér, D. (2014). Conceptual Metaphors of Science : Prolegomena to a Cognitive History of Science. I Akbarov, A. (Red.) Applying Intercultural Linguistic Competence to Foreign Language Teaching and Learning (pp. 518-525). International Burch University, Sarajevo.
- Dunér, D. (2014). Cultural evolution, conceptual metaphors and science. [Publication information missing], 80-80.
- Dunér, D. (2014). The History and Philosophy of Biosignatures. European Astrobiology Network Association. EANA 14. Signatures of Life: From Gases to Fossils. The 14th European Workshop on Astrobiology October 13th–16th 2014 Edinburgh, UK. Scientific Programme and Abstracts, 83-83. European Astrobiology Network Association.
- Flores, F. (2014). Postphenomenology vs Postpositivism : Don Ihde vs Bruno Latour.
- Hagström, C. (2014). Life Histories and Bicycles : Telling Your Life Through an Object.
- Haider, J. (2014). Green Search : the shaping of information on the environment at the intersection of networked tools, nature and people.
- Haider, J. (2014). Green Search: Studying online environmental information. A research design. I Kindling, M. & Greifeneder, E. (Red.) iConference 2014 Proceedings (pp. 945-949). iSchools.
- Haider, J. (2014). How library and information science can save the world and why to care! (Keynote presentation).
- Haider, J. (2014). Mis/trusting Open Access eller Open Access och jag : en kärleksrelation (keynote lecture).
- Haider, J. & Sundin, O. (2014). The materiality of encyclopedic information : Remediating a loved one – Mourning Britannica. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 51, 1-10. ASIS&T AM.
- Hammarlin, M.-M. & Frykman, J. (2014). Across all Borders : An Investigation into Radio Activities and the Scandinavian Media Model in 1959.