Konferensbidrag (sida 15 av 27)
- Gustavsson, K. (2013). Knowledge about the past: a result of the interaction between man and technology.
- Hagström, C. (2013). Riding Through Life : Understanding Life-Histories Through the Bicycle.
- Haider, J., Huvila, I., Cox, A., Francke, H. & Hall, H. (2013). Transformation or continuity? The impact of social media on information: implications for theory and practice. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 49, 1-4. John Wiley & Sons Inc..
- Hansson, K. (2013). CI, leisure environments and public habilitation. [Publication information missing], 54-54.
- Hansson, K. (2013). Everyday ethic and social inclusion. [Publication information missing], 80-80.
- Hansson, K., Nilsson, G., Tiberg, I. & Hallström, I. (2013). Implementation of hospital based home care for children newly diagnosed with diabetes. Pediatric Diabetes, 14, 98-98. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Hildeman Sjölin, C. (2013). Över gränsen: Liminalitetsaspekter på senmedeltida kalkmåleri i några skånska kyrkorum.
- Jönsson, L.-E. & Hagström, C. (2013). Cycling. Past, present, future.
- Kaiserfeld, T. (2013). The Technical Stability of the Swedish Nuclear Fuel Safety Program. Proceedings of the International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference ”Integrating Storage, Transportation and Disposal”. American Nuclear Society.
- Kjellberg, S. (2013). Shaping a trustworthy representation online: researchers’ use of social media.
- Lamberth, M. (2013). Easy Rider - mer än en kultförklarad road movie.
- Lundblad, K. (2013). Varaktig, kortvarig, betydelsebärande.
- Rivano Eckerdal, J. (2013). Girl virus? : information practices regarding HPV-vaccination in Swedish school healthcare. Skrifter utgivna av Informationsvetenskap vid Åbo Akademi, 2, 217-221. Informationsvetenskap vid Åbo Akademi.
- Rosenqvist, J. (2013). Design as Craft. Performativity and Interpellation in Design History. I Johansson, U. (Red.) 10th European Academy of Design Conference. Gothenburg University.
- Steiner, A. (2013). Contemporary Book Trade and the International Bestseller Culture.
- Sundin, O. & Haider, J. (2013). Professional Digital Encyclopaedias as Socio-Technical Systems.
- Tersmeden, F. (2013). Lidforss liv i AF-borgen.
- Törnvall, G. (2013). Mediering av växter under 600 år : om reproduktionsteknikens betydelse för hur växter avbildats och uppfattats.
- Weimarck, T. (2013). Placebo och narrstensoperationerna : konsten som läkning och rationalitetskritik. I Palm, A. & Stenström, J. (Red.) Kroppen i humanioraperspektiv / Symposier på Krapperups borg (pp. 217-241), 9. Gyllenstiernska Krapperupsstiftelsen.
- Wiklund, G., Voog, H. & Kjellberg, S. (2013). Developing research support services - Focus group interviews as a method for librarians to understand the everyday life of researchers. I Huvila, I. (Red.) Skrifter utgivna av Informationsvetenskap vid Åbo Akademi, ASIS&T European Workshop 2013: Proceedings of the Second Association for Information Science and Technology ASIS&T European Workshop 2013 June 5-6, Åbo/Turku, Finland (pp. 205-208), 2. Åbo Akademi University.
- Wiklund, G., Voog, H. & Kjellberg, S. (2013). It’s all about keeping quiet - using focus group interviews to understand the everyday life of researchers in order to support their research.
- Arvidson, M. (2012). Dysfunctional disciplinary borders, and the need for a new foundation discipline ?.
- Bengtsen, P. (2012). Carelessness or Curatorial Chutzpah? : Controversies Surrounding Street Art in the Museum.
- Bengtsen, P. (2012). Just gardens? : On parks as spaces of law and morality.
- Bengtsen, P., Goysdotter, M. & Hedlund, A. (2012). Interdisciplinarity, group responsibility and conflict as resources for learning.