Konferensbidrag (sida 6 av 27)
- Åström, F. & Hammarfelt, B. (2019). Conceptualising dimensions of bibliometric assessment: From resource allocation systems to evaluative landscapes. I Catalano, G., Daraio, C., Gregori, M., Moed, H. F. & Ruocco, G. (Red.) Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics : ISSI 2019 with a Special STI Indicators Conference Track (pp. 1256-1261). International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics.
- Andersson, J., Ekstam, L. & Nilsson, G. (2018). To take control over fintitude. Older adults relation to time, future and ageing.
- Andersson, J., Ekstam, L. & Nilsson, G. (2018). Where seniors becomes like children again. Senior camps in the Swedish media discourse.
- Andersson, M. (2018). FALF 2018. Arbetet – problem eller potential för en hållbar livsmiljö?: Kustnära yrkesfiske i omvandling : Sessionen Fysiskt arbetsliv.
- Andersson, M. (2018). Knowing the Sustainable Fishery.
- Bengtsen, P. (2018). Is street art site-specific?.
- Bengtsen, P. (2018). On environmental street art.
- Gren, N. & Wittrock, H. (2018). Cultivating a sustainable society : attempts to change contemporary Sweden by urban gardening and theatre.
- Groth, S. K. (2018). DIY-praksisser på Javas eksperimentelle musikscener.
- Hagström, C. (2018). Forskaren, cykeln och arkivet : Att arbeta med egna och andras frågelistor.
- Hammarlin, M.-M. & Jönsson, L.-E. (2018). Migrating slandering : Tracking Royal Sex Scandals (1880–2010).
- Hansson, H., Tiberg, I. & Hansson, K. (2018). Long-term sustainability and discontinuation of a hospital-based home care service for children with cancer: Healthcare professionals’ narratives.
- Hansson, K. (2018). ‘Critical places’ as a method to ethnographically study health, body and accessibility.
- Hansson, K. (2018). A man in crisis or crisis of men? : Masculinity and societal challenge in the 1970s in Sweden.
- Hansson, K. (2018). Critical Places.
- Hansson, K. (2018). Doktoranders erfarenheter av den mätbara forskarutbildningen.
- Hansson, K. & Idvall, M. (2018). Interpreting the Brain in Society: Cultural Reflections on Neuroscientific Practices.
- Hansson, K. & Suneson, E. (2018). Vulnerable Normality: Popular Neuroimaging and the discursive logic of the (dis)able(d) brain.
- Idvall, M. (2018). How Individuals with Parkinson's Disease Go Along with Clinical Trials.
- Irwin, R. (2018). From medical humanities to global health humanities : a Swedish case study.
- Irwin, R. (2018). Preparing for the rituals : Swedish diplomacy at the World Health Assembly.
- Liu, R. & Lundin, S. (2018). Where and how do you buy medicines? A social and cultural study of attitudes towards buying medicines online and abroad among Swedish public.
- Lundblad, K. (2018). Gränssnitt och gränsöverskridandet : Bokbandets transformationer i Sverige under 1800-talets andra hälft.
- Löfgren, J. (2018). Boys will be boys : the construction and safeguarding of boyhood.
- Martin, C. (2018). “Are we already here?” Driving on 'Auto-Pilot'.