Konferensbidrag (sida 8 av 27)
- Gustavsson, K. (2017). Vanishing dwellings : The ethnological gaze re-visited.
- Hagström, C. (2017). Tracing George : Stories of dwelling and the experience of place in archival records.
- Hansson, K. (2017). Det digitala arbetslivet : Digitalisering av sjuksköterskeyrket.
- Hansson, K. (2017). Digital Participation : Critical Disability Perspectives on Digital Arenas.
- Hansson, K. (2017). Power and phenomenology in ethnology.
- Hansson, K., Alftberg, ?. & Apelmo, E. (2017). Sound takes place : Disability Perspective on Sound Environments.
- Hildeman Sjölin, C. (2017). Över gränsen : Liminalitetsaspekter på två senmedeltida skånska kalkmålningssviter. I Bach-Nielsen, C., Vellev, J. & Wangsgaard Jürgensen, M. (Red.) Hikuin, Performance og ikonografi : Foredrag fra det 23. nordiska ikonografiske symposium 27.-30. august 2012 (pp. 117-132), 40. Forlaget Hikuin.
- Höög, V. (2017). Taking Ontology Seriously : Quine's Thesis of Holism and Underdetermination Applied to the Sciences in the Age of Technoscience.
- Idvall, M. (2017). Coping with biomedical science : How individuals with Parkinson's disease synchronize themselves with clinical trials.
- Idvall, M. (2017). Synchronizing Oneself with Science : How Individuals with Parkinson's Disease Go Along with Clinical Trials.
- Jönsson, J. (2017). Miljöproblem, visuell kultur och vetenskap under tidigt 1900-tal : Vetenskapliga bilder av svårföryngrad skog.
- Lundblad, K. (2017). Living rooms and epistemological spaces : Interpretations of the presence and absence of books with special attention to ideals within Scandinavian interior design.
- Martin, C. (2017). "A little space of my own": experiencing comfort and fear on the road.
- Mossberg, F. (2017). Sensescapes fascilitating life quality. 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV 2017. International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration, IIAV.
- Nilsson, G. (2017). Cultural meanings of returning.
- Nilsson, G., Ekstam, L. & Andersson, J. (2017). Motivating Activity and Handling Risk at Swedish Senior Summer Camps : A Micro Level Cultural Analysis of Camp Leaders’ Simultaneous Practices of Pushing and Pulling Participating Seniors.
- Norris, M. (2017). Conquering Time : Antiquarian Collectors and Collections in Early Modern Europe.
- Norris, M. (2017). The Runes Restored : Philology, Faith, and Myth in Johannes Bureus' Research on the History of Writing.
- Nylander, E. (2017). Return to Kashgar – the Jarring Collection of Uyghur manuscripts. IFLA WLIC 2017 – Wrocław, Poland – Libraries. Solidarity. Society. IFLA.
- O'Dell, T. (2017). Regionauts, Mobility and the Boarder Work of Cultural Coalescence.
- O'Dell, T. & Gradén, L. (2017). A Hip Heritage: Re-imagining Nordic Culture in North America.
- O'Dell, T. & Gradén, L. (2017). Heritagelore : Museums and the manner in which Heritage might be understood in a trialectic framework of place, materiality and mobility.
- O'Dell, T. & Gradén, L. (2017). What Happens to Nordic Culture When you Drop the “Heritage"? : Re-imagining Nordic culture for a new museum.
- Salomonsson, K. (2017). Frictions and fractions of the sharing economy; material-discursive enactments of lending and borrowing in a new (?) urban ecology.
- Salomonsson, K. (2017). Inside the sharing economy : Material-discursive enactments of lending and borrowing in consumer culture.